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This week's message from Principal, Mrs Williams.

A busy newsletter with lots of information and some good news for Year 11. As I said in my previous newsletter we are determined to get back to some sort of normal and focus on teaching and learning as well as routines and expectations. I know that for some students their world is not back to ‘normal’ yet, but we are working hard to be a place where our students not only feel safe all the time but can look forward to consistency and an opportunity to plan ahead. 

We are tentatively running local trips, planning fixtures and expanding our club timetable as well as looking at planning trips further afield. 



I am very pleased to say that our Covid cases remain low, however, we are into the January blues with lots of colds, headaches and niggles. So I once again ask that you monitor your son/ daughter’s attendance, what is their attendance for the year so far and is it having an impact on their future? 


Year 9 Options

Year 9s have you completed the initial survey? We need as many of you as possible to complete the survey so that we know what options to offer you in February. There is now an Options page on our website;


Year 11 Prom

Yes we are determined it will happen so we are leased to announce a date for your diary 7th July 2022.  Further information to follow.


Immunisations Update

We vaccinated over 100 students for Covid-19 for the first or second time on Monday and our next session will be HPV vaccinations on 11th March for all year 8s and any year 9s who missed it due to the pandemic.  More information will follow soon.


Self Medication Update

If students need to carry any non-prescribed medication in school for short term or minor medical conditions, please ensure you contact to inform them immediately of your son/daughter’s name, reason for medication, what the medication is, the dosage and frequency that the medication is taken.  This is to ensure that we are fully aware of all medication being taken on-site

The current procedure regarding prescribed medication will continue ie: may be held and administered by reception for students with the appropriate paperwork.  


Eco hub news

Although the days are cold and grey there are signs of hope with bulbs emerging from the soil. This is the time of year when we can start planning all sorts of exciting new projects. We have ordered a pond ready to plant up in the spring to encourage all sorts of wildlife. Our wildlife capture camera will be going up in the next few weeks so it will be interesting to see what animals visit the school site.

We are proud to have been one of the top Eco schools in the country for 20 years! We can be found as a shining example for other schools to follow in the Eco Schools hall of fame.

If anyone is interested in becoming an Eco Rep then speak to Ms Pillar and Mrs Holmes


East Sussex County Council Bus Passes

We would like to remind all parents/carers of students who qualify for a bus pass from East Sussex County Council that the students must have this year's bus pass with them every day that they travel to school. They need to show the driver the bus pass on the way to and from school. 

We have been advised by the bus companies that there are students travelling without a current bus pass or who have lost their bus pass.

To get a replacement bus pass you will need to call ESCC on 01273 481280 and pay them for a new bus pass. I will then issue the student with a temporary card dated to last a week so the replacement card should have arrived to you by then.

Full details about school transport can be found following the link below - 


A message from Dv8 college to Year 11 students

This is just a general reminder that we are still accepting applications and will continue to do so for the following months. If you have not made a decision for further education, you may want to consider Dv8.

We offer Level 2 (applicable for those who may not pass their English and/or Maths GCSE) and Level 3 (Grades 4+ in English and Maths GCSE required) courses in Games Development, Media Production, Music Production & Performance and Esports in both Brighton and Bexhill. Maths and English GCSE or Functional Skills can be studied on any of our Level 2 courses.


Plumpton College – 2022 events for KS4 Students

  1. Open Event – Saturday 22nd January, 9am-12pm

A great opportunity for prospective students and their parents to take a look around our beautiful campus, discover our fantastic facilities, talk to course tutors and get any questions answered.

Register here

  1. Apprenticeship Week – 7th-13th February   

Let us host a short session on land-based apprenticeships to help inspire your students. Or tap into our online resources to hear from some of current apprentices, available on our Schools Portal.

Contact us 

  1. Taster Day – Monday 14th February

Whilst this was originally aimed at Yr 10 students, we’re pleased to also welcome any Yr 11 students who may be considering applying to Plumpton College. A chance to find out what it’s really like to be a Plumpton College student for the day!

Register here

Should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch by emailing


Safeguarding Focus 

  1. The things I wish my parents had known…about online sexual harassment (Children's Commissioner)

The Children's Commissioner, Dame Rachel de Souza DBE, has recently published a guidance document for parents helping to support them to understand online sexual harassment. It is a sensitive topic, and not one all parents feel comfortable discussing with their children.

The commissioner's team brought together a group of 16 - 21 year olds and asked them talk about what they think parents should know, and what they should say to their children when talking about sexualised bullying and the pressures of growing up online. 

Key advice from the young adults in the focus groups included: 

  • Start conversations early, before your child gets a phone or social media account. Keep the conversation going over time, adapting to your child. 

  • Young people want their parents to learn about new technology and trends, including risky behaviours and dangerous spaces online. 

  • Create a safe and trusting home environment. Young people told us the home environment is key, they want to share things with their parents but don’t always feel able. 

The report and poster 'The things I wish my parents had known…' can be downloaded here:

  1. Infographic: Building resilience in children and teens (Family Lives)

The Family Lives charity aims to offer all parents somewhere to turn before they reach crisis point. Crisis support, provided for over 40 years through their helpline, has always been at the heart of what they do.

Family Lives also have an excellent website to help parents with the ups and downs of family life. One useful infographic is this one about building resilience in children and teens. You can download it here:

The Family Lives parents' helpline is available Monday to Friday, 1.30 - 9pm on 0808 800 2222.  The website can be found here:


Kind regards


Sian Williams
