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This week's message from Principal, Mrs Williams.

A well earned break for us all and the promise of longer, warmer days. I would like to send you my heartfelt thanks for all your support for the staff and students - this has been one of our most challenging terms yet in terms of staff absence due to Covid. We know that our students have had to be taught by more supply staff than we would like, and I am delighted and proud that nearly all of them coped well, worked hard and still made progress. 

Our student attendance has taken a knock this term too, so I am hoping that break and rest will give us the chance to recharge. One of our TAs took me aside this week and mentioned how tired some of the students were, and that when she has talked with them it seems many of them were up late gaming or struggling with sleep patterns. 

We have ways of supporting sleep and healthy living on our website, so I have included the link below: 


Term 4 drive on Attendance & Behaviour.

Next term we will be pressing the reset button and moving past the impact of Covid. We will be taking the opportunity to reset our high expectations and commitment, reinforcing our fortnightly attendance monitoring cycle of every 2  weeks and behaviour and routine cycle every term.


KS4 English Department Updates - Year 11 English Assessments and Mock Exams

There will be an assessment on An Inspector Calls on the first day back after half term and pre-release questions have already been given to students.  For their Mock Exams starting 7th March, students will be assessed on Macbeth and Unseen Poetry and will complete an English Language Paper 1.  

All students should now be confident with how to revise for these topics, but should speak to their English teacher if they are unsure.



Eco hub news

The Eco team needs you!  We are hoping to host a volunteering day in the Eco hub on Sat 2nd April, between 9:30am and leaving at 1:30pm. We would like to invite Students and their families, as well as Ringmer Parish church, to help dig a pond, plant bulbs and help with other jobs around the Eco hub site. 

It should be a fantastic day and a real community event!

If you would like to take part then let Ms Pillar or Mrs Holmes know, or email

Students, if you would like to be a part of our fantastic Eco community here at KARs the Eco Reps meet every Monday Week B in the Eco building- come along and bring a friend!



Food Technology Department

  1. Year 11 Food Preparation and Nutrition

Some wonderful cooking from Year 11 Food Preparation and Nutrition students this week! Having a practice run of some of them before their final cooking exam.


        2. Year 8 Pizza Making



Competition Time

As you know Ronnie was surrendered to Patcham RSPCA when she was 16 weeks old. She was poorly, very sad and unloved. Now, she is a very bouncy, happy and extremely well-loved member of Kings Academy.

Just for fun and also to support a great charity.  Can you guess the top 3 breeds in Ronnie’s DNA?  Miss Beattie has sent a DNA sample from Ronnie to be analysed, and the results will be back very soon.

Put your name and your 3 dog breeds on a piece of paper and pop down to reception where there will be a box to put your guess. Anyone can enter, students, parents and staff. Enter as many times as you like.  This is free to enter but if you would like to donate any of the following to support the fantastic work the RSPCA do to help vulnerable animals, Miss Beattie will be visiting the Patcham rescue centre to deliver donations after the competition.

Treats for dogs, cats and rabbits

Good quality wet tinned dog food



Old towels

Closing date for entries is Friday 18th March.

Good luck, Miss Beattie



Free School Meal Vouchers

Free School Meal vouchers for the February half term holiday were sent out earlier this week. Please note the vouchers do have an expiry date of 28h February 2022, so we would like to remind parents/carers to use them before this date, please.



ParentPay account for lunch money

We would appreciate it if parents can keep an eye on your child's balance for lunch and top up payments when needed please. We are having more students asking us to call home to "top-up" their lunch account on ParentPay.

To top up your child's account you need to log into your ParentPay account (details of link are below) and it will show you a balance of your child's account. To top up click on the blue tab that says pay for meals. You then add the amount that you would like to top up the account with and add to the basket. Once you have finished adding items you click on the basket and choose the payment option and complete the purchase. This is then on your child's account usually within a few minutes.

If you haven't set up a ParentPay account yet or have lost the details, please email and we will get another letter issued with details of how to set your account up.  Kind regards, Debbie Duckworth, Business Services Manager



KS4 students - Dv8 College, Brighton

Dv8 college specialises in 4 creative subject areas:

1. Media production

2. Music production and performance

3. Games development

4. Esports

If any KS4 students are interested in Dv8 college, please find a virtual assembly with more information.

Useful document for parents/carers

East Sussex education, health and care services have worked with East Sussex Parent Carer Forum to create a document which brings the contact information for a range of support services together in one place, for common areas of concern you may have about your child’s health and wellbeing as they grow up. You can find this document by following this link: Click here to download ‘Pre Autism Pathway (January 2022)’ as a word document.  This document is here on the Local Offer.



Safeguarding Focus 

Young Carers: Honeypot Children's Charity 

Honeypot Children's Charity supports and enhance the lives of young carers aged 5-12 years by providing respite breaks and on-going outreach support.

They give young carers a break from demanding and stressful responsibilities at home and provide a safe, nurturing environment where children at risk can develop their full potential. The charity  tries to give children their childhood back where they are able to make memorable memories that they can treasure forever.

You can find out more about their work here:


Kind regards


Sian Williams
