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This week's message from Principal, Mrs Williams.

Comic Relief Day

A wonderful event this year which started on Thursday with ‘Just Dance’ and ‘Movie Night’. 

Today there was red everywhere and we made £338.00 just from selling cakes. A special thank you to William Sajkowski and his mum for the amazing cake contribution. Someone was up all night baking! 

We are still collecting for wearing RED, £450.00 so far and we took £75.00 for film night.

I am also really proud of the Year 11 Senior Students who planned the event. I think they can say they have learnt a good deal about event management from Mr Peacock!

We are very pleased that everyone got involved this year, but we do have some ‘Even better ifs’ for next year. 

  • Please can we have more cakes next year!

  • Please remember that even though it's non-uniform for health and safety reasons jewellery is still not permitted.

  • We do not permit crop-tops on non-uniform day.


Fund Raising for Ukraine

Now that Comic Relief is over we are turning our attention to fundraising/collecting for Ukraine. We will be flying the Ukrainian flag during our fundraising to remind students to help with the effort. At this point we are collecting items not money. The items are listed here and can be brought to reception.

I am very grateful to Mrs Beattie for coordinating this.



Eco hub news

Spring is in the air at last and we are busy here at KAR Eco Hub readying the raised beds for planting native plants and flowers. We have a whole raised bed put aside for herbs which as well as making the entrance to the Eco Hub smell divine and attract pollinators, will be used in our DT Food kitchens.

If you have ever wondered about your carbon footprint and how you can reduce it then use this great little calculator from the WWF website-fun and enlightening!


ECO Day – Pond digging and planting on school site – Saturday 26 March 2022

Saturday 26 March is looking like a fun filled day with plants being ordered ready to plant. If you would like to join in then ask your mentor for a letter or speak to Ms Pillar or Mrs Holmes  Please see attached letter below.  



HPV and Teen Booster vaccinations

HPV: - If your child did not receive the HPV vaccination, and you would like them to be vaccinated, it’s not too late.  The online consent form has re-opened and is available for completion.  Any problems please contact or call 01273 812220

If you have already completed a consent form, you will have received a separate email with clinic booking instructions and do not need to complete another form.

Teen Booster: Friday 29th April 2022 - All year 9 parents and carers should have received the latter about these.  Please contact the school if not.



Exciting news for young people in Ringmer!

Design a logo for a new Ringmer youth club.

A new youth club is to open up in The Forge Coffee Lounge every Friday evening (term time)       between 6-8pm.

This space will be open exclusively to pupils in Years 8-11, from KAR and other schools, as a place to meet friends. There will be a £2 admission fee and you’ll be asked to book in with us when you arrive and book out when you leave.   This new group is being set up by a small group and funded by the Community Safety Partnership. More information to follow over the coming weeks.

The opening night will be Friday 22 April. BUT before this -we need your help!   We need a  NAME and a LOGO designed by YOU!

The logo for Grounded at The Forge looks like this -  

Please send your ideas for name (on its own) or name and logo before 1 April to us at 

There will be prizes!!

If you have any questions or ideas about what you'd like to see at your youth club, please get in touch. 




The time has almost arrived, to reveal the top 3 breeds that contribute to making Ronnie, Ronnie !

Miss Beattie will be looking through all the entries and an announcement will be made in school next week and the results will also be in next week's newsletter.  Thank you to everyone who took part in this fun competition.  Thank you, Miss Beattie


coming next week...




Mindful March Calendar (Action for Happiness)

I recently held an assembly on Mindfulness. Although we are half way through the month our Mindful March calendar is still useful - any day of the year!

Let's pause, breathe and really take in what's all around us. 

You can download the calendar here:


Have a great weekend.


Kind regards


Sian Williams
