King's Academy Ringmer Weekly Newsletter 15/07/22
This week's message from our principal, Mrs Williams.
Music Department - Summer Showcase 2022
On Tuesday we held the first Performing Arts event since Christmas 2019, with 49 students performing music and dance items to an audience of around 100 people. We all just about managed to fit in the flexible performance space in the foyer of the Steve Green Building. Miss Braggins had been working with Rapture Dance who performed their Run Boy Run routine, as did the singing group who have been working with our brilliant singing teacher Stephanie Rae. We had our first ever performance from our new school band finishing the night with Eye of the Tiger and Sweet Caroline.
There were also several beautiful solos and duets from our dedicated Key Stage 3 students with lots of amazing songs being performed with real spirit to the enthusiastic audience of parents, grandparents, siblings and friends! We managed to raise £175 to put towards musical instruments and specifically a decent electric piano. I would like to thank all the students who worked so hard, parents and friends who came to watch and gave so generously and to the KAR staff who helped make it happen!
It was such a great feeling to have a live performance again and to celebrate the amazing talent and hard work of our students. We look forward to seeing you for our Winter Performance in December - look out for more information in the Autumn term. Thank you, Ms Urquhart (Subject Leader for Music)
Email from a parent:
'Many congratulations on producing a super showcase this evening! We were so impressed with the performances and it was an utter joy to be in school for an event for the first time since Charlotte joined nearly two years ago. The passion and enthusiasm for making music that you share with your students is clearly exciting to them and I'm sure they all got a tremendous lift from performing live to an audience. I was at the front in the audience and heard you whisper to one very nervous performer "enjoy it", and she clearly did (as did we!).
It must have taken an enormous amount of work to pull the show together and, although I know there were other teachers involved in rehearsing the singing and dance components, you single-handedly stage-managed and compared the show tonight which must have been stressful and exhausting! I just wanted to say thank you for all that you are doing. Music is Charlotte's favourite lesson of the week and I can see why!'
Year 10 Work Experience Week 2022
Whilst Key Stage three were taking part in enrichment activities Year 10 were on work experience. Once again they have had a fabulously rewarding experience and I am proud to say they represented themselves and the school fabulously. We have had several communications and below are a couple of examples!
I would like to say thank you for sending … to my hair salon for Work Experience, we have very much enjoyed him working with us. He was enthusiastic and asked so many questions, far more than any other work experience placement we have had in the past. He showed great initiative, was shown or asked to do something and then used his common sense to do the task again when required. He was excellent and tried his best at everything. … was great with all team members and our clients. I would give him a positive employer reference if ever he requires one, plus also if he felt he would like to go into hairdressing he could get in touch with me for an Apprenticeship! He has been a pleasure to have working with us.
I felt you should all know and please also could you forward this on to his parents, he is an absolute credit to them.
Feedback 2:
I am writing in regard to your student, who recently completed a Work Experience Placement with us.
From start to finish, it was a pleasure to have him in our business, he asked questions, showed enthusiasm, learnt new skills and most importantly for us, he had fun.
Although I wasn’t present myself, the feedback I have had from my team is nothing short of sensational, so I wanted to share this with you both personally.
Please pass on my thanks, and let him know that should he need any further career advice or assistance our door is always open.
Year 10 Geography Field Trip – Friday 8 July 2022
On Friday 8th July the Geography department took Geography GCSE students to Brighton and Saltdean in order to complete two investigations. First of all, we were investigating how sustainable Brighton and Hove city is by visiting the city centre and collecting some primary data about land use and local services. Secondly, we visited Hove seafront to investigate how effective coastal management is by measuring the build-up of sediment on either side of the groynes. Students will now complete further research in lessons and ultimately reach conclusions, before evaluating their research. The students were very well behaved and were a real credit to the school, with several members of the public commenting on how excellent their behaviour was to staff. We were very lucky with the weather this year and hope that the skills and knowledge learnt by students will lead to future opportunities to research how people can manage their local environment in a sustainable way.
Feedback from a member of the public following the Geography Field Trip:
"I just wanted to let you know that on the geography field trip when leaving the café in Saltdean the owner/manager asked me which school we were from. I was slightly concerned at first, but they then went on to say how delightful our students were and that it had been a pleasure to have them. Fabulous comments which I wanted to share with you". Thank you, Jo Beattie
New books in the Library for Summer Reading!
Reading for pleasure is so beneficial. It can improve writing skills, help to gain new perspectives and
can help to relieve stress and improve mental health. We have a large number of exciting new books in the library ready for the students to take home over summer. These are nearly all new titles, including the ‘Book Tok ‘trending recommendations.
There is something for everyone. Students are invited to come and select a book to borrow for the summer holidays.They can come to take books out during lunch or break times and the new titles have been put on a special display so are easy to find.
Thanks, Mrs Colbourne
These commence on Thursday 8th September at 12.45pm to 1.45pm. They will continue to run fortnightly on each Thursday week A. Students are welcome to make an appointment to see the Nurse by speaking to any member of the Pastoral Team or Reception. Alternatively a student can choose to just drop in to see the nurse without a pre-booked appointment
The School Nurse will be located in the Ground Floor Meeting Room just up from Reception opposite the girls toilets.
Lost Property
We have a number of items of lost property which will be disposed of if not claimed by the end of term. (See photos)
We do like to keep a few items of spare school uniform and are currently short of good quality shirts and all PE kit. If you would prefer to sell on your good outgrown uniform, or are looking for anything, please request to join our 'King's Academy Ringmer Uniform Group' Facebook page.
As many of you may have heard, Mrs Peters is leaving us at the end of this term. She has been with us for 14 years as a PE teacher as well as leading on both student and staff wellbeing. She has now decided to start her own business as a Solution Focused Hypnotherapist. Her practice is based in Uckfield, offering both face to face and zoom appointments.
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy uses practical, modern and well researched strategies to help young people and adults make significant positive changes in their lives in a relatively short period of time. It focuses on what the client wants to achieve rather than on the problem(s) that prompted them to seek change. Hypnosis itself reduces anxiety and this is done very simply through relaxation and visualisation, allowing the client to focus on the positive aspects of their lives that encourage a shift in perspective.
Solution focused hypnotherapy can help with the following conditions:
Anxiety and Stress Related Conditions
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Irrational Fears and Phobias - including Emetophobia (sickness) and Trypanophobia (needles)
Mrs Peters is offering a discounted rate to all King’s Academy Ringmer students and their family members. If you are interested in finding out more please pick up a leaflet from reception or contact Mrs Peters via email
As the end of summer term approaches young people who experience challenging home lives will often begin to feel nervous and vulnerable at the thought of being without school, their safe place for six weeks. We notice this at the beginning of most holidays so we direct our students and parents to our two click safeguarding reporting page.
from our home page click ‘contact’ then ‘safeguarding’ and the blue button enables you to report a safeguarding concern. As we do not monitor this fully during the holidays there is also the emergency number for East Sussex Children's services and the NSPCC.
Here is the direct link to that page:
Have a great weekend!
Kind regards,
Sian Williams