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King's Academy Ringmer weekly newsletter 20/01/23

This week's message from our principal, Mrs Williams.

A focus this week on the fabulous learning taking place in the classrooms. You may well have seen some of the exciting experiments going on in science on Facebook. Yesterday I visited a rather astonishing Year 11 History lesson; costumes were included but I will save that for Mr Wood to share with you next week. Below Year 10 DT.

Year 10 have been trying their hands at foam modelling in preparation for their NEA starting in the summer. 

Strike Action

I couldn't let the week pass without commenting on the strike action announced by members of the NEU this week. This will no doubt fuel discussion and stir a variety of opinions and emotions. For each and every teacher and member of support staff, in fact anyone who works in a vocational profession (such as the NHS), this is a huge moral dilemma and any decision to strike is not made lightly or without awareness of the impact on those we serve.  As a leader, whose job it is to support my staff and the students in our care, I too am torn between supporting the immediate everyday needs of the students and staff in my care and the long term impact of underfunding for both students now and in the future. We struggle daily to make ends meet and when I walk our lovely but dilapidated 1950’s school the lack of funding hits home. Not to mention the lack of external support for those students who need extra help from underfunded services such as CAMHS.  

On strike days we will open the school for children who we consider  to be safeguarding risk and those whose parents are critical workers. I will know nearer the time whether we can invite year 11 in. All other students will have on line work to complete via the Google Classroom. Finally, can I thank those parents who have taken the time to contact me since I sent out the letter, to offer their support to staff and students at the school, it is very much appreciated. 


Year 7, 8, 9 Enrichment Choices

Thank you for completing the Google Form to register interest in the Enrichment Activities for July.  We will shortly be uploading payment details on ParentPay, so that we can officially book the externally run events.  While we do appreciate that some students might change their minds about some of their choices, we must stress that once deposits are paid, changes will only be made in exceptional circumstances as this does create a very demanding task for our Finance Office.  We will obviously try to accommodate all students' needs and are sensitive to the importance of having friends together in groups for such a fun and enriching experience. 


Years 8 & 9 Girls Football

Our Year 8 & 9 girls football team did us proud on Tuesday night in their first competitive game since starting at KAR. They played a great game against an experienced Ratton School Academy Trust team and narrowly lost out 2-1, with a great goal from Abi T. Well done girls, you showed brilliant resilience and sportsmanship. And what a beautiful backdrop we have to our school! 



Let's Dance 2023!

Some of our talented students will be performing at the Congress Theatre in Eastbourne on Tuesday 14th March. It would be great to see plenty of support! Details of how to get tickets are below.



Year 7 Boys Football

Great run out for our Year 7 Boys Football Team on Monday night versus Seahaven Academy. Thanks to our 3G pitch, the weather didn't stop us from playing. Special mention to Charlie C who scored two brilliant long range goals and Cameron G / Jacob C in goal for some spectacular saves!



Lost Property

There are several items of lost property waiting for collection, which have now been put out on a table in the school hall.  Please ask your child to look if they think they have lost something.


Year 9 Rugby

We have a few male students keen to set up a rugby team in Year 9. If you are interested in starting or joining a club, please speak to Mr Coulthard for more information.


Firstly another thank you to the parents who have contacted me to say how useful and informative this section of the newsletter is; it is great to hear. 

We have had a recent upsurge in the appearance of energy, sports and hydration drinks being brought into school. You may be aware of the popularity of the Prime brand launched by influencers Logan Paul and KSI; the selling and reselling of this drink has reached international news and King’s Academy Ringmer.

King’s Academy Ringmer does not allow any type of energy, sports and hydration drinks in school. Any student found with these drinks (and sadly the empty bottles kept for resale) will have them confiscated and thrown away. We may contact you to let you know if we have concerns about your child having these drinks however I reiterate that we will be discarding these drinks rather than returning them. 

I must also remind students and parents that the wearing of jewellery to school is prohibited. We cannot be responsible for its safety or look for items that go missing; this week alone I personally have had to keep safe three Pandora bracelets worth upwards of £150.

 In addition, it is a health and safety risk for many subjects, especially PE. Mr Coulthard has especially asked me to remind students that jewellery is very dangerous in PE. 

So for clarity our Uniform Policy states:

Jewellery is not allowed except for a plain gold/silver stud or small hoop in pierced ears (one per ear). Studs/hoops for any other piercings are not allowed and should be removed or covered with a plaster (for example: nose or belly-button piercings). Retainers are not permitted. Necklaces, bracelets, Charity Bands, Friendship Bracelets etc are not allowed (with the exception of specified charity weeks).

Anyone found wearing jewellery will be asked to hand it in to staff where it will be stored safely, for collection at the end of the day from reception. If the student continues to wear jewellery we will ask parents to come into school to collect.

Kind regards,


Sian Williams
