King's Academy Ringmer weekly newsletter 03/02/23
This week's message from our principal, Mrs Williams.
Student Leadership 2023/2024
We are excited to announce that applications for student leadership positions will open soon to year 10. Students will all receive an application pack via email with all the details included about how to apply.
Roles available:
Principal Senior student, Vice Senior student, House leader, Lead Peer mentor, Marketing leader, Transition leader, Reading leader, Eco leader
Students must be currently in Year 10 for this role and applications must include a reference from either your tutor or a member of the staff.
Applications will be presented to all staff for feedback and then shortlisted. The successful shortlisted students will be invited to attend an interview.
Please encourage students to apply as this is an amazing opportunity for students to work with the Staff Leadership Team to continue to develop King's Academy Ringmer.
Attendance webpage
Parents & Carers with children struggling with their school attendance are advised to have a read of our brand-new attendance webpage over our attendance procedure, please visit our new attendance webpage:
Would you like to become an Appointed Governor for the Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust (SCFT) representing children and young people?
The NHS are now accepting applications from people who work with or can represent the views of children and young people to join our Council of Governors. Further information about our Council of Governors is available from the website: If you are interested, please see the attached application form.
Music Department
Young Songwriters 2023
This is a really exciting opportunity that comes with lots of great tips for song writing which students may be interested in taking part in.
All information has been shared with students and can be found at this link:
Piano Man Masterclass 2023
Next week about 6 of our students will participate in a piano masterclass with renowned pianist Richard Meyrick. They are practising in preparation!
Musical Futures Online
Our Key Stage 3 classes have all been working on their ensemble skills in preparation for their band project in the summer. All students can access this resource online at www/ - login credentials have been posted in Google Classroom.
Keywords Independent Learning
All Key Stage 3 classes have Independent Learning tasks set in Google Classroom - this is to learn keywords for the band project. All tasks are revision of key words used in lessons and can be revised in Quizlet which is an excellent learning tool. Please encourage your child to show you their tasks and see how well they know their words.
Rugby – Year 9 Boys – Speak to Mr Coulthard
School Meal price increase
Please see the attached letter from East Sussex County Council with regard to the recent price increases for school meals. I also attach a copy of the up-to-date Tariff for your reference.
Gardening Aprons & kneeling pads request:
We are hoping to get into the Eco garden as the weather improves, but with the Ringmer clay, this can be a muddy task. If you have an old apron which the students can wear to cover their school clothes and any old garden kneeling pads they can use whilst doing some weeding with me, we would really appreciate your donation. We're eager to take unwanted items and reuse these, instead of buying from new.
If you are able to donate an apron or kneeling pad, please either contact Mrs Teague to arrange dropping it off, or call into Reception and leave it with them.
Thank you again for your generosity - the Eco Reps & Mrs Teague.
Ringmer Community antisocial behaviour - Please read:
There have been reports in our community area of antisocial behaviour involving individuals going out and using catapults to shoot ball bearings at private dwellings and local buildings such as the church and village hall. In some instances, this has caused damage and inflicted injury. Please may we ask parents to have the appropriate conversation with their child(ren) if they are known to be in possession of a catapult and could be responsible for this. Thank you for your cooperation.
Kind regards,
Sian Williams