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Dear parents and carers,

I hope you have had a great week.

We have kicked off our celebration assemblies this week, to mark the achievements and attendance within each Year Group. I was delighted to see our Year 7’s engage in this today with such a positive spirit, and it was fantastic to see our school band perform for them. We look forward to the older year groups next week.

On Thursday, we held a special event for our county champions in the Under 14s Rugby 7s County Cup. To celebrate their win, we formed a guard of honour for the team and cheered them through the school, followed by a celebration assembly. This was an exceptional effort against much larger schools, where the girls showed resilience and teamwork to get over the line. We took the time to reflect on how we are a team at Ringmer, and stronger for working together. I asked the students to reflect on what positive legacy they will leave on the school by the time they get to Year 11, and how everyone can play their part. We are therefore very proud to be Ringmer!

I hope you have a good weekend.

Best wishes,
Mr Harvey

Under 14s Rugby 7s County Cup Celebration

Careers Update

Events at East Sussex College

Year 10 Taster Days at Lewes. You can pick up to 4 subjects per day, giving you the chance to experience a range of the courses you might like to take when you get to college!

Register and pick your subjects here;

Lewes Creative Showcase: Tuesday 26th March 

BBC Young Reporter Competition

The BBC runs a Young Reporter competition and the deadline for entries is fast approaching. Is there a way that this opportunity can be relayed to your students please?

Stories need to be relevant after June 2024.  Deadline is Sunday 24 March 2024 at 11pm

Student Leadership

A reminder to year 10 that the applications for Student Leadership positions for 2024-2025 are due by Thursday 28th March.

We are looking for students who are:

  • Someone who sets an excellent example/role model to others (showing correct behaviour)

  • Creative and able to bring ideas to the team

  • Willing to take their role seriously and work as a team

  • Able to speak confidently to different people and audiences

  • Serious about taking on board the views of all other students

  • Able to take ideas of students forward to the senior leadership team and governors

So get your application pack, ask a member of staff for a reference and submit them! Good luck!


Food Tech Update

Year 7 have been busy making sausage rolls, and Year 8 have been in the kitchen making their chocolate bars after a long process of designing them and making moulds. Delicious!

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