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Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you have had a great week.

Our Year 11's are now in the final push towards exams, and we wish them every success as they start next week. I am extremely proud of all their hard work. Hundreds of intervention sessions have been attended across the year group so I also thank teachers and staff for providing this support. The students have been receiving rewards through their ‘intervention passports’, with some already having attended close to 50 additional sessions either before or after school in the last few months. As they now enter the exam season, the hard work continues before their celebration at the end of year Prom.

Last week I communicated our new school vision - 'to develop well rounded, confident individuals who are world ready'. As part of this outward facing approach, I am delighted to announce that later in the Summer term we will be welcoming 25 students from Zhangjiagang No. 1 Middle School in China for one week in July, as part of a students exchange and cultural experience programme. This will be a world class opportunity for our students to engage with students from different cultural backgrounds, whilst showing them how fantastic our school community is. I will be in touch with more information closer to the time, but wanted to share this exciting partnership with you.

Many thanks again for your continued support on attendance. Simply, this year we have made some significant strides forward in ensuring children are in school and in lessons more regularly, and we currently now stand significantly above both national and local schools. This represents a major improvement on previous years, and most importantly gives our students the best chance of success in their exams. A special mention to our Year 8’s, who are currently the highest in the school!

Finally, we performed a routine fire drill this week. Whilst this is not normally something of note, we had a number of external professionals in school on this day who made a point of commenting on how amazed they were by the calmness, respect and positive conduct that our students showed from start to finish. As a Principal, these indicators no matter how small are a sign of good culture in a school, and how great our children are. I have been clear in recent weeks that student voice is extremely important to me, and that we will continue to improve the school together. Next week, our new student leadership team will be visiting every tutor group to coordinate student votes for our ‘student voice ambassadors’, so I’m very much looking forward to receiving all of their ideas!

I hope you have a fantastic bank holiday weekend.

Best wishes,
Mr Harvey

New Senior Student Team

Our new Senior Student team had their first meeting this week when they heard from Mr. Harvey and Ms. Da Nobrega about the importantrole they will play in the school over the next year. Congratulations again to this group of students.

RE News

Year 9 students took part in 'Mock' Sabbath Meals in RE this week, learning about the practices of the Jewish day of Rest.  They were invited to try the Kiddush wine (Pomegranate juice) and try the tasty Challah bread.  There were some excellent questions about this weekly activity which is celebrated weekly in a Jewish home.

Vaccination Update

Clinic information for missed Tetanus, Diphtheria, Polio and Meningitis ACWY vaccination(s)

The Immunisation Service attended KAR for the Tetanus, Diphtheria, Polio (Td/IPV) and Meningitis ACWY (MenACWY) vaccinations just before the Easter holidays.

If you did NOT return a consent form, but would like your child to receive this vaccination, it’s not too late. Please email or call the Immunisation Team directly on 01273 696011 extension 4931 for information on how to complete an online consent form and book an appointment.

If you have already completed a form and your child wasn’t vaccinated in school, you will have received a separate email with clinic booking instructions and do not need to complete another form. 

Thank you, Mrs Moore, Central Admin Assistant

Careers Update

East Sussex Apprenticeship Roadshow

Are you thinking about Next Steps for your child when they leave school?

Have you heard about apprenticeships?

Your child can earn whilst they learn, getting aid to work in a local business whilst gaining qualifications, from Level 2 through to Degree level.

The FREE East Sussex Apprenticeships Roadshows will give you the opportunity to meet training providers and employers with live vacancies in East Sussex and learn more about why apprenticeships can be a great post-16 option.

Join us on Tuesday 25th June in Hastings and Thursday 11th July in Eastbourne, 4.30-6.30. Places are limited so book your tickets in advance. For more information and to book visit:

Taster Days - Year 10

Some local colleges will be having their  taster days this summer to help year 10 students to start thinking about their post 16 options.Please contact the colleges to book a place.

Please note our year 10's are free to attend the taster day at Lewes College on 17th June as there will be no mock exams on that day.If you cannot attend these dates there will be lots of other opportunities to visit the colleges at the start of year 11 during their open days.

  • BIMM-11th May
  • BACA- Friday 12th June
  • Lewes College -17th June (allocated date for Kings Academy )
  • Uckfield 24th June
  • Varndean - 5th July and 16th July 
  • Bexhill-15th July (allocated date for Kings Academy) 
  • DV8 -please email the college
  • BIMM -11th May 
  • Brighton MET - October dates TBC
  • Bhasvic -please check their  website over summer for open evenings on 13th and 14th November 
ECO News - Eastbourne Spring Water Festival

Eastbourne Seafront, King Edwards Parade, Eastbourne, Sussex, BN21 4EE 10 May to 19 May 2024

This annual 10-day eco festival returns to celebrate Eastbourne’s beautiful surroundings and promote sustainable living.  There are many events throughout the festival, from an Eco Fair on 11 May on the Western Lawns to a Big Beach Clean on 12 May.

Organised by Plastic Free Eastbourne in partnership with many local organisations

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Photo Consent

Parents should have received an email this week from Mrs. Thompson requested them to fill in the attached form for parental image consent. We use images of the students to celebrate their achievements and promote our wonderful school. 

Please can you complete the form in the email noting your choice to assist us in this moving forward.

If you did not receive the email please contact 

Thank you

Mrs. Thompson, 
Marketing Manager.

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