Latest message from Principal, Mrs Williams 02/10/20
Dear Parent/Carer,
Here is the Principal's assembly, please see below if you simply wish to read the information or access the links.
Thank you for your continued support with attendance. We had an absence spike at the beginning of this week but I hope that Mr Madriaga letter has clarified for you what to do if your child had cold symptoms. My advice we are 4 weeks in and feeling a bit tired. Please can you help us by building resilience in your son/daughter.
Open Evening
We had a very successful Virtual Open evening last night with 250 people joining the event. If you know anyone who is interested in their Year 6 child joining the school, please encourage them to view our comprehensive open events web page.
Textbook to Speak - Chrome Extension
We understand that some parents are sitting with their son/daughter at home to help read through the homework’s that are on the learning platforms that require it eg: Seneca. To assist with this, please be aware that you can now download a free browser extension that converts text to speech. Some of our parents have found this really helpful so we wanted to share this with you in order for this information to be distributed more widely.
Please click the link for “Speak It” which we have found is the best one for chrome.
English Department
The English Department will begin holding after school Revision / Catch-up sessions for Year 10 and 11 on Tuesdays and Thursdays until 4.30pm. If you would like your child to attend to support their independent revision, please email Ms Hunnisett - Some students will be expected to attend if they are struggling to complete their Independent Learning at home and parents will be notified by their teacher if this is the case.
Year 11 Study Skills
During tutor time, Year 11 students are being taught a range of study skills to enable them to revise effectively. There are so many myths around revision, how you should revise, and what subjects you can revise for. We decided that we need to debunk some of these myths and provide really clear guidance around how to revise and what methods have an impact. Some of our teachers have recorded videos on different strategies; these enable the students to rewatch them and they will soon be available on our dedicated Google Drive for Year 11 Exam Preparation and Revision. As parents, you may want to watch them too.
So far we have covered mind maps and flash cards. Next week we will be covering Cornell Note Taking and then Knowledge Organisers. All staff have also been trained in how to use these so we are all taking the same approach across all subjects.
Uniform – name tags
Can you please assist us by ensuring you sew name tags in your son/daughters uniform. This will assist the school returning lost property to the correct student. Our reception team now has a number of items of uniform that we have been unable to return as they do not have name tags in them. Your assistance with this is appreciated.
Safeguarding Focus
- At the end of the newsletter there are some attachments for you to manage your son/daughter Social Media. Each attachment will explain how to check they are safe if like me you are not familiar with every single new app.
- School Health Virtual Drop In Service – East Sussex School Health
What’s on your mind?
The School Health Virtual Drop in is for you if you are worried or concerned about a health issue and need advice. This could be about healthy eating, sexual health, relationships, smoking, exams, drugs and alcohol, emotional health and wellbeing, body image, family issues, bullying or something else.
The drop is private and confidential.
- A virtual drop in for young people aged 12-19 (secondary school or college age)
- Every Tuesday 3-5 and Thursday 11-1
- Via Attend Anywhere a secure NHS video call service.
- Young person to click on the link to enter a private waiting room
- A school nurse will them be available for you to talk to on a 1:1 video call
- Alternatively text your school nurse on 07507 332473 for a chat
Have a great weekend
Sian Williams