Here is the Principal's Weekly Newsletter video. Please see below if you simply wish to read the information or access the links.
Dear Parent/Carer/Student,
I feel a real sense of positivity this week it may be the events happening in the USA or a feeling that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Or could it be the total inspiration I get from watching you all engage in your on-line lessons and seeing your teachers so committed to making sure you get top quality learning wherever you are.
Sometimes I forget we are in the middle f a pandemic when I sit in live lessons and see the engagement going on. However to support wellbeing it is important that we all remember that there are some staff at Ringmer who are sick and off work or grieving for the loss of a loved one. We are doing the very best that we can but school will not operate in exactly the same way that it would were we all in a building. Please be patient with us and remember that we need to look after staff health too.
- COVID Testing so we have had an update to the Covid testing practices n schools. I am not surprised and as I said in my letter this week relieved that the government has made this change. As part of our testing processes we have to issue a Privacy Notice to conform with GDPR. This has been added to our website under the Covid section if you wish to read it.
- Remote learning Update - I have had some useful feedback from parents and students with regard to our on-line learning so as a result of this we have now put in five-minute comfort/screen free breaks between lessons that do not lead into break or lunch time. This is an opportunity to walk away from the screen, get some fresh air or a drink – not catch up on social media or have a quick on-line game. We shall also be sending out a remote learning survey to all parents so that we can be sure we are providing the best possible education during lockdown. Please do try and complete it, the more information we have the better.
- IT Support - we think we have got all students who need help with IT equipment or broadband but there may be some of you who are still struggling with poor equipment.
- Please get in touch if you are and we will do what we can. Did you know that If you have an old laptop or PC at home, but it’s too slow to work properly, it can be transformed into a Chromebook for free? Get in touch with reception if you think you would benefit from this.
- Home Schooling Support
Do you need a helping hand with home schooling?
I am a retired teacher (with a current DBS) who would like to offer voluntary online or email support to parents or carers who may need help with home schooling.
This is not intended to be scheduled tutoring sessions or a replacement for existing remote learning organised by the school but rather an extra resource to contact if a specific problem arises, encouragement or extra motivation is needed or someone to speak to for advice. It may even be reading a story to a younger child to give you a chance to help an older sibling!
My particular area of expertise is French but I have also taught Key Stage One literacy and I have several friends and ex colleagues who taught other subjects….all ‘locked in’ and with time on their hands!
If you think you could use some support, please message me here for more information or email me
I am here to help. Thank you, Heather Stewart
- Student Council Meetings
Even during lockdown as with all other businesses around the world we are still having meetings. This week I met with the Senior Student Council. I was able to get some really good feedback from them on remote and learning and give them as much detail as I could on the GCSEs and BTECs. We even had a chance to chat about the possibility of a prom and the completion of the year book.
Next week two of the senior students will be chairing the KS3 Student Council meeting so that they too can continue to contribute to our valuable student voice.
- Maths Department
It's that time of year again when the UKMT begins their challenges. These are tricky problems that require plenty of mathematical knowledge to decipher not just what the answer is but sometimes even what the question is asking! Due to the lockdown they will be slightly different this year. The first challenge is the Intermediate and this is for year 9 and 10 students, we only put 40 students in for the challenge and their teachers have been setting work in preparation for this. It will be held between 1 - 4 Feb and is online this year. No need to come to school, it can be done at home. Thank you, Mr Taylor, Director of Maths
Safeguarding focus: A wealth of support this week
- Place2Be Children's Mental Health Week
During the week of February 1-7th 2021 we shall be taking part in the Place2Be Children's Mental Health Week
The theme this year is 'Express yourself' so start thinking of different ways in which you can do this. More details to follow shortly. Thank you, Mrs Peters – Wellbeing Practitioner
- Physical Activity sessions for Young People during Lockdown
I am pleased to inform you that from Monday (18th January), there will be NEW! online physical activity sessions for teenagers to have a go at for FREE on the Active Sussex website!
The Youth Safety and intervention Team have teamed up with REBOOT and brilliant Physical Activity providers from around Sussex to provide 6 weeks of sessions, including;
- Basketball
- Skateboarding
- Yoga
- Street Dance
- Kickboxing & MMA
- Boxing, Core and HIIT training
- Street Funk,
- Adapted sports sessions
- Dance & Fitness
There will be new sessions for each activity launched every Monday for you to try out at a time that suits you. Just follow this link:
Sussex Teenagers Online Activities - Active Sussex then click on the Youtube link to the relevant channel.
For more information please follow @activesussex on Twitter or Active Sussex on Facebook.
- Additional Mobile Data for students
Please see link -
- Free Online Parenting Support
The current pandemic has raised new parenting challenges for everyone. Children and teenagers have experienced disruptions to their daily life and increased worries about their safety and that of their family and friends. Children can react in unexpected and challenging ways because they cannot yet fully express how they are feeling.
ESCC Children Services 0-19 are delivering FREE simple, practical strategies have been proven to work around the world, helping parents raise happy, confident children; set family routines and rules that everyone can follow; and balance work and family life with less stress. Parents can access as much or as little as they like, and just small changes will make a big difference!
All of the sessions on offer can easily be found in the attached guide. Please also see weblink -
- Finally, a bit of fun
Year 10 GWE have been inspired by #hometasking and the Taskmaster, Please see attached, below.
Kind regards
Sian Williams