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Latest message from Principal, Mrs Williams 11/02/21

Here is the Principal's Weekly Newsletter video. Please see below if you simply wish to read the information or access the links.


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  • This Tuesday was Safer Internet Day so this week we have shared with you, guidance for both parents and students. Some sensible help and some fun activities. We have added the links to the end of this newsletter.


  • Screen Savers: Looking after your eyes, body and mind when using screens (Beacon House)
    We are spending more time online than ever before, possibly sitting and working with poor posture as we use makeshift desks and chairs. There is a tendency to take fewer breaks and less exercise and this is affecting our physical well-being.

    Beacon House the specialist, therapeutic service for young people, families and adults has produced a series of six posters outlining ways to keep safe and alert when working at home, whether children or adults.

    Download the posters here:

    Further Beacon House resources can be found on their website here:


  • Student Wellbeing Ambassador Programme (SWAP)

King's Academy Ringmer is looking for up to 35 students, across the year groups, to train as wellbeing experts & become an ambassador for the school. This is a really exciting opportunity for any student wishing to gain further knowledge & understanding in the psychology of wellbeing whilst providing them with the essential tools to influence & educate their peers so that they can transform the wellbeing environment for all of our students & staff. 

Once selected, they will be trained as experts in wellbeing, have access to free on-line resources & gain a certificate on completion of the course. 

They will then be responsible for running 6 wellbeing campaigns which will be driven by the students for the students. 

If you think your son/daughter would be interested in becoming an ambassador please complete the google form via the link below by Monday 22nd February.

Mrs Peters will then be in touch with further information 


  • Year 11s and parents – we would usually be sending you your latest assessment tracker with your current and forecast grades. Until we know how we are going to assess you we do not want to send out data as it might contradict what we are told as a result of the consultation. As soon as we have some firm information we will be back in touch.


  • Music Department

Yet Another Number One 

This week is Episode 2 and the guest is Chris Simmonds, Head of Guitar at East Sussex Music and a wonderful member of the instrumental staff at Kings Academy, Ringmer. 

I really hope you enjoy this and please do get in touch with any feedback! The next episode will be out after half term. 


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  • Half term activity

You may be aware that we have been holding back on additional independent learning tasks as you are all working enough on computers during the day. However, there are some aspects of the curriculum which cannot be addressed on line. One of these is Oracy.  Oracy is the ability to articulate ideas, develop understanding and engage with others through spoken language. We would like you to have some fun at home with this task:


If you want to find out more about Oracy skills please go to this website


  • From Marisa Hayes on behalf of St Mary’s Church, Ringmer

In need of a boost? Why not say thank you!   

We are all in need of a lift, so please join with us at St Mary’s church in saying Thank You for all the good things we enjoy.  From this Sunday, you will find a bare-looking tree near the porch at church. Please help yourself to the resources (or bring our own) - ribbons, baubles, wool - to decorate this tree as a symbol of thanks and let’s warm our hearts by saying thank you.  Do come as many times as you like: We hope that by Sunday 7th March it will be covered with symbols of gratitude.  I hope there will be lots of Thank You’s for our amazing school staff and also for parents, grandparents and carers!

And from next Sunday, 14th March you are invited to collect a little origami heart from the church porch. Each of these hearts has been crafted and prayed over by a member of the church – we hope they bring a little Blessing to you and to your loved ones.    You may also like to collect a Love Yourself in Lent colouring/ activity sheet to do as a family.


  • Supporting Parents Helpfinder (Young Minds)
    Times are tough for many people right now. Parents find themselves pulled in many different direction and children may be struggling being in the house for so much longer than usual.

    A mixture of concern about covid, work from home and children at home, along with a possible financial impact make for a stressful household.

    Young Minds have created a useful 'Supporting Parents Helpfinder'. By answering six questions, parents can find out how to support their child's mental health during the pandemic (and beyond).

    Find the help finder here:


  • When emotions explode (Young Minds)
    Young Minds have also created a useful poster highlighting ways to give support to children when they have angry feelings or outbursts and may help families start a conversation and talk about each other’s feelings.

    Download the poster here:


Have a great weekend


Kind regards

Sian Williams
