This week's message from Principal, Mrs Williams 24/09/21
We have settled beautifully into the term with the sunshine and good weather really helping us out.We have had a plethora of visitors too; the BBC and Maria Caulfield MP and this week Sir Roger Fry (pictured above), founder and chairman of The King’s Group Academies. He was delighted to be here as he hasn't been able to visit the school for nearly two years. He met with some senior students from Year 10 and 11 who were able to share their hopes for college and beyond.I was delighted by their plans and they are a true testament to my belief that ‘potential is limitless’. We are looking forward to welcoming over 500 more visitors on our Open Evening on October 7th. We have asked Year 7 to be guides and then Years 8-10 to join their teachers in classrooms talking about teaching and learning. The evening begins at 5.15pm and ends at 8.30pm for students. If you think your son/daughter would like to help out please ask them to collect a consent form from the teacher they would like to help, or Mrs Bailey if they are in Year 7. I expect it will be a busy evening!
School governors wanted - skills and experience in SEND especially welcome
We are inviting people to join the Local Governing Board of King's Academy Ringmer.
We are looking for people who want to support our academy to carry on providing a great education for our students. It isn't necessary for you to have a background education, but you will need to be willing to learn, to question and to build supportive but challenging relationships with staff, stakeholders and King's Group Academies Trust Board members.
We would be particularly interested in having someone join us as our SEND governor. in order to champion the needs of our SEND students. If you have personal experience or a background in SEND issues, whether that be through their own family/friends or through your line of work, this might be you. The SEND governor role would involve supporting our SEND staff at KAR, finding out more about what it means to be a student with SEND, and making sure you are up to date with all the current issues in SEND.
If you are interested, please contact the Chair of the Local Board, on
- Students who have below 90% attendance will achieve a full grade lower across their best 8 subjects.
- Students who have between 90-95% attendance should achieve their predicted grades across their best 8 subjects
- Students above 95% attendance should achieve 3/4 grade higher across their best 8 subjects.
Post-16 providers information evening for Year 11 students and parents/carers
On Thursday 30th September, we will be hosting a post-16 providers information evening between 6 and 7pm. This is a great opportunity for students, parents and carers to find out more about some of the local post-16 providers. A representative from each provider will be available with information and to answer any questions. The providers that have been invited are:
- East Sussex Colleges
- Varndean
- Uckfield College
- Plumpton College
- Hailsham Sixth Form College
- Seaford Head Sixth Form
- Heathfield Sixth Form
- Gildredge House Sixth Form
- Bexhill College
- dv8 Sussex College
There will be a stand for each provider in the main hall.
Please come to the main school reception for 6pm and we will meet you there.
English Department - Y10 English Literature Texts
Thank you to all parents that have paid for the literature text bundle. The payment window has now closed and the orders have been submitted. As soon as the texts arrive, they will be distributed to the students.
Music Department - Welcome back to Music!
Learning an instrument or vocals
We were really thrilled to welcome musicians from East Sussex Music back to Kings Academy to perform for Year 7 and 8. If anyone wants to sign up for lessons then please follow the links below. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. If finances are a barrier to your child having lessons then please make sure to contact Ms Urquhart to find out about options for funding.
Extra-curricular activities
Singing Club on Wednesday lunchtimes for all years - get lunch as quickly as possible (or bring a packed lunch) then come straight to Music (M02). Treats and achievement points are available for everyone that comes!
Band on Wednesday after school 3:20-4:30pm Year 7-11. Look out for the sign up form in Google Classroom!
Look out for the launch of our Winter performances later in the term!
Concert in Lewes this Saturday 25th
Ms Urquhart will be performing in a concert this Saturday 25th September at the All Saints Centre in Lewes with the Musicians of All Saints. Bring family and friends along and see her play the double bass with a small orchestra of local professional musicians.
Details available at the link below: Tickets available on the door as well as in advance.
Careers – What Next Sussex?
A virtual event showcasing routes and pathway after Year 11
Please see attached poster (bottom of page) for a virtual event being held on Thursday 7 October from 1.30pm to 3pm then from 3pm to 6pm. Live chat with providers, students and employers. To register for this event, please follow this link:
Ronnie – King’s Academy Ringmer Therapy Dog
This week we welcomed Ronnie to our school as our therapy dog. She will come into school every Tuesday to spend time with our students.
As you can see, she has made lots of new friends already. Please follow her on Instagram: @ronnietheringmerrescuedog to see what adventures she has.
COVID Vaccine Enquiries Team
Please see the following from the Vaccine Enquiries Team - Details of any further vaccination clinics will be passed on to all parents when we have them, however, there are no more COVID-19 immunisation sessions planned at King’s Academy Ringmer at present.
The Sussex COVID-19 Vaccination Programme website: will show information about the catch up service when it becomes available. You can also call NHS England on 119 about the possibility of getting your child vaccinated, or if you have more questions.
For clinical queries please contact the Vaccine Enquiries Team on 0800 433 4545
Free School Meal Vouchers
We have been asked to remind families that their Summer holidays free school meal voucher needs to be redeemed by next Thursday 30th September 2021. Please can any family with any unspent vouchers note that we are unable to change this date so we ask you to redeem them before the expiry date shown on the voucher. Please check whether you have any unspent vouchers before the expiry date for the vouchers. Thank you, Debbie Duckworth, Business Services Manager.
Former Student News
Last Saturday Mr Madriaga, Mr Coulthard, Miss Hook, Mr Coomber
and Mr Burchett spent an entertaining afternoon watching Oliver
Wigman play Rugby for Eastbourne College, having received a
Rugby scholarship. During the match, Oliver powered through the
opposition to score an excellent try and was in the thick of each
scrum. Throughout lockdown Oliver continued to train hard and
remains a member of the Harlequins development program.
It is great to see and hear how former Ringmer students are doing
and we love to hear how they are getting on. If you have any stories to tell please get in touch.
Ringmer Primary and Nursery School End of Summer Party
Saturday 2 October 2021 at Gote Farm, Ringmer. Open to all. Please see flyer at the bottom of this page.
Safeguarding Focus
For those of you who are new parents and as a reminder to others, below is a link to our very own wellbeing website. The website provides support for students, staff and parents alike.
We would also like to remind you of our two-click contact button on the website for reporting safeguarding concerns as a student or a parent. simply go to our website click Contact us then safeguarding and you will see the blue button for reporting a safeguarding concern. Please note that thi is not a 24 hour service so any emergencies should be referred to the NSPCC ( also on the page) or by calling the police.
Please find below a presentation from Mr Madriaga on safeguarding at King’s Academy Ringmer:
Kind regards
Sian Williams