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Welcome to King's Academy Ringmer. We are thrilled that you are considering joining our school community. 

These pages provide all the information you need to assist you in applying for a place at our school. Admissions are split into two main types:

  1. Year 7 Admissions (also known as Transition). This is for students in Year 6 who are applying for a place in Year 7 in September.
  2. In-Year Admissions. This is for students in any year from 7-11 who would like to change schools mid-way through their school year.

Please read through the relevant pages of this website (via the menu on the right) to understand how to apply correctly and the process involved.

About KAR

King's Academy Ringmer (KAR) joined King’s Group Academies (KGA) in December 2016.  The school had its most recent Ofsted inspection in May 2019 and was delighted the inspectors awarded an overall effectiveness judgement of Good and also to have achieved a rating of Outstanding for Leadership and Management, as well as personal development and welfare, following its first full Ofsted inspection.

The school’s motto is “In Pursuit of Excellence” and it strives to make sure all students are well-rounded individuals who strive to be the best academically and personally. We absolutely believe that student learning and progress is our core purpose. However, we are equally determined that King’s Academy Ringmer students will have the skills and attributes to live and work in the global society of tomorrow, and will be confident in their morals and values in order to lead good lives.

The overarching aim of King’s is for opportunity and success on a global stage. We are proud to be part of King’s Group Academies. We are a school that caters for individual talents and strengths. We believe in the importance of enabling every student to achieve to the extent of their ability.

We can only be truly successful when the school works as a team with students, staff and parents united in securing the common goal of helping children achieve the very best. King’s support and guidance enables all students to be pushed academically and supported through the wider educational programme.

We are passionate about ensuring that our students also develop well personally through participation in wider activities such as clubs, competitions, student leadership and trips.

A well-established programme of music, sporting and other enrichment activities offers the chance for our young people to pursue their interests and develop new ones.

Our students have a proud reputation for sporting, arts and musical success and we take great pride in their achievements in these and other areas. We intend to continue to build on our successes and look forward to the future as we work together to help students reach their full potential.

Contact details

If you have a question not answered on this site, please contact the correct team:

  1. For Year 7 Admissions (also known as Transition) This is for students in Year 6 who are applying for a place in Year 7 in September. 
  2. For In-Year Admissions This is for students in any year from 7-11 who would like to change schools mid-way through the school year.


Academies are required to follow the law and guidance on admissions, special educational needs and exclusions as if they were maintained schools.

As a school which is performing well on conversion, we will be able to retain the admission criteria we currently use. These arrangements and related processes should at all times comply with the School Admissions Code.