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Kindness is one of the King's Academy Ringmer core values. We believe in the power of kindness to create a compassionate community where everyone feels valued. At our school, the minimum expectation is that we are polite to each other. We encourage pupils to develop altruistic qualities throughout their time at our school.

Altruism is taught through the KAR Personal Development Curriculum in RE, PSHE, PDT, and our assemblies and further opportunities are provided for students to contribute to the wider community through various fundraising and volunteering initiatives. A student run Charity Club also raises money for causes of their choosing.  

Previous causes include:

  • Raystede Centre for Animal Welfare
  • Lewes, Ringmer & District Social Group for the Blind & Partially-Sighted
  • Children in Need
  • Ringmer Food Bank
  • Red Nose Day
  • Young Carers