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Provider Access Policy and Baker Clause 

Kings Academy, Ringmer endeavours to ensure that all students are aware of all routes to higher skills and can access information on technical options and apprenticeships (Department of Education, July 2021: “Baker Clause”: supporting students to understand the full range of education and training options, and the Provider Access Legislation, January 2023). 

  • Two encounters for pupils during the ‘first key phase’ (anytime during year 8 or between 1st September and 28th February during year 9) that are mandatory for all pupils to attend
  •  Two encounters for pupils during the ‘second key phase’ (anytime during year 10 or between 1st September and 28th February during year 11) that are mandatory for all pupils to attend.
Student entitlement

 All students are entitled to:

  • Find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeship opportunities as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training opportunities at each transition point; 
  • Hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events;
  •  Understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses. 

Kings Academy, Ringmer fully supports the statutory requirement for our children to have direct access to other providers of further education training, technical training and apprenticeships. Kings Academy Ringmer   will comply with the new legal requirement to put on at least six encounters with providers of approved technical education qualifications or apprenticeships. This will be done in assemblies throughout the year, workshops, option events, career visits, taster events and providers attending career events at school. 

Management of provider access requests procedure 

A provider wishing to request access should contact Sarah Colbourne, Careers Lead. / 01273 812200 

How we measure and assess the impact of our careers programme

Kings Academy Ringmer works closely with the East Sussex Enterprise careers hub. This is an external organisation that supports us to develop and strengthen our careers education strategy across the whole school.

We use the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks as a foundation when planning our careers programme. The effectiveness of our provision is reviewed termly by the Careers and Enterprise Company using the Compass Plus evaluation Tool. This tool is used by schools and colleges in England to support the analysis and evaluation of careers activity against the eight benchmarks of best practice. This ensures the development and improvement of our careers strategy is ongoing.

Kings Academy Ringmer uses the Future Skills Questionnaire as a tool to measure learners’ career-readiness. This covers key aspects of knowledge, skills and attitudes that are important for successful transitions. Simple data insight supports us to make targeted interventions, evaluate our careers programme and identify the impact of careers education in our setting.

We review our CEIAG provision through destination data, student and parent questionnaires and evaluation forms after activities, events and experiences. We also use discussions, focus groups and review samples of feedback from our key stakeholders. The careers programme is monitored by governors and staff throughout the academic year.

Resources we Provide for Careers Support
  • Personal development time-tutor led activities
  • PSHE careers educational programme
  • A comprehensive range of careers and post 16 information in the LRC and the Steve Green Foyer
  • Weekly updates and career information shared in parents’ weekly newsletter, social media, displays and monitors around school
  • An annual post 16 options evening for year 10 and 11
  • Steps to success evening for parents and students to support post 16 applications
  • Tutor led and careers lead support with college/ traineeship applications
  •  Work Experience in year 10
  • Workshops, talks, visits and visiting speakers
  • Career assemblies
  • Careers breakfast-year 7 and 8 
  • Enrichment week activities
  • GCSE options evening -year - choice and support
  • CEIAG Questionnaire
  • 1:1 career advisor meeting in year 11 if needed
  • ASK -employability workshops year 11
  • Access for students to the schools’ careers lead available during tutor time, break and lunch for information, support and advice.