In-Year Admissions
Thank you for your interest in a place at King's Academy Ringmer. An 'in-year admission' is when a young person is currently enrolled at a secondary school, but would like to move to King's Academy Ringmer. We are a school in the midst of change on our journey to be the best school in Sussex. We have sky-high expectations and a significant demand for places. Therefore, students can only be offered a place mid-year if one becomes available in the year group.
If the school receives more applications than places available in a year group, the school will apply our admissions policy (found here) to decide which children will be offered places, as per the oversubscription criteria. The school's admissions procedure, which can be found here, outlines the process which we must follow when allocating places. This means that if Student B ranks higher on the criteria and applies for a place after Student A, the place will be offered to Student B.
We are unable to enrol students once we have reached our admission number as this would have an adverse impact on the education of students and poses a safeguarding, health and safety issue.
If your application for a place at the school is rejected, you are entitled to appeal this decision. As King's Academy Ringmer is an academy, the school is responsible for setting up an appeals panel and hearing any appeals. You can read more about appeals here.
We operate a waiting list for places if a year group is full. The waiting list is cleared at the end of each term. The waiting list does not operate in a linear fashion because of the oversubscription criteria. This means that if Student B ranks higher on the criteria and applies for a place after Student A, the place will be offered to Student B. More information about our waiting lists can be found here.
For further information on in year admissions, please complete the enquiry form below or contact Admissions at
Fair Access Protocol Admissions
King's Academy Ringmer, as an Academy, is also required through their funding agreements to participate in in-year fair access protocols. These are directed through East Sussex County Council. More information can be found on their website
To apply
To apply for an in-year admission at KAR, please apply online through East Sussex County Council.
Please note that you need to enter King's Academy Ringmer into the search bar and if you live more than 5 miles away change the default distance to unlimited.
The postal address is: County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes.
For all other in year admissions enquiries, please contact: