Dear Parents and Carers,
There has been a fantastic atmosphere in school this week, with students continuing to set a high bar for their learning. This week I held an important meeting with our student leadership team to discuss all the proposals and ideas gained from the student council representatives in each tutor group. I always look forward to these meetings and have agreed a full non-uniform day on Xmas Jumper Day on Friday 13th December. We will also be doing a whole school bake sale on the same day (13th) for Macmillan and St Peter and St James Hospice this Christmas. We look forward to the children bringing in lots of sweet treats!
Our attendance continues to be above the national and local average, a brilliant effort, and thank you for doing all you can to ensure children are in school and on time. Simply, high attendance gives them the best chance of success.
Assemblies have seen the introduction of our new House names, as voted for by the students. They are:
- Luther King
- Kahlo
- Attenborough
- Ramsay
- Keller
We were delighted to have raised £352 for the Children in Need Charity as part of the first House event.
We are really looking forward to our Winter Showcase! We know there will be some incredible performances by our talented music and dance students. Please join us on Wednesday, December 11th, at 6:00 PM.
Finally, a reminder that school will be closed on Friday 6th December, due to our INSET day. I know a lot of students are looking forward to doing some Xmas shopping! A reminder that we also have an earlier finish on Friday 20th at 12:15.
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend.
Best wishes,
Mr Harvey, Principal
Christmas Jumper Day - Friday 13 December 2024
This year Christmas Jumper Day will be on Friday 13th December 2024. We are hoping all the students will take part and contribute to the event.
Students can wear appropriate non uniform with a Christmas Jumper e.g. no short shorts, bare midriff etc as per email sent to parents/carers
As well as monetary contributions this year, we are also asking for food item/s that the Senior Students will parcel up and deliver to local food banks before Christmas. Food items should be taken into tutor sessions any morning from today until Friday 13th December 2024.
Winter Showcase - Wednesday 11th December 6-8pm in the Hall
We are very grateful for your support with this event. We look forward to seeing as many parents and friends at the performance as possible. Free tickets are available here:
We will hold a retiring collection at the end for a local charity and the Performing Art/Musical Instruments fund. There will also be refreshments available before and during the interval. Please note the event will be cash only.
Thank you, Ms Urquhart,
Subject Leader for Music.
We are starting to notice a slight increase in students having to borrow certain elements of PE kit for lessons. Can you please ensure that all students attend lessons with kit no matter if they are able to physically participate or not. We have a very minimal amount of PE kit which we are able to lend out for lessons. In some teaching groups, this is simply is not enough.
Students are allowed to wear base layers underneath their kits should they wish. Examples of these are in the link:
One issue we currently have is that some students are NOT wearing the appropriate footwear for the 3G pitch. Students need to have either football boots or astroturf trainers in order to be able to go onto the pitch. Without these, students are not allowed onto the playing surface. If any one does have old boots or astros which they would be willing to donate to the department, that would be much appreciated.
Best Wishes, the PE team
Change News 
As part of our environmental vision at KAR we want to share ideas with you.
We are all getting very excited with the Christmas season upon us. There are lots of great ways to make little changes to Christmas to make it all a bit greener. Taken from the WWF guide to a more sustainable Christmas, here are some thoughts about presents.
- Quality not quantity - When buying gifts, think less but better.
- Gift an experience - Gifting an experience for your loved ones will help to reduce demand for physical resources, and avoids filling homes with unwanted presents
- Think about materials - Avoid single-use plastic items (especially glitter) that can’t be recycled, and look for things like Fairtrade or Organic-certified food and clothing. Buying second-hand items saves on resources needed to make new products, helping to reduce emissions and create a more sustainable future.Or try your hand at crafting or baking a gift!
- Remove packaging - Reduce waste even further by buying gifts with little or no packaging.
- Test your wrapping skills - Look for cards and wrapping paper made from 100% recycled or FSC-certified paper. Avoid plastic ribbons and tape, or foil-backed and glittery wrapping paper
- Give a gift that lasts
Super Curriculum
Check out what some of our Super Curriculum groups have been getting up to in the last couple of weeks, including ceramics, found object art projects, textiles, charcoal making and boxing.
New Whatsapp Announcements Channel
We have set up a Whatsapp community for the purpose of sharing important announcements with our families and community. This channel will be managed by the KAR Marketing Manager and will not allow comments, questions etc. It will simply be a channel for us to communicate important school information in a quick and easy way.
You may choose to sign up for these notifications via this link or by scanning the QR code:
Thank you.
Mrs. Thompson
Marketing Manager