Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you have had a great week.
We are gearing up for our school production of Matilda on 26th and 27th of June, we look forward to seeing you there if you are attending!
Our Year 11's have their last official day in school as a year group today, we look forward to their final celebration assembly, the prom, and celebrating the imminent end of exams!
We have had a successful launch of our three, simple rules of 'Ready, Respectful, Safe'. These words are starting to be heard across school and will enable greater clarity and consistency in all that we do. I conducted assemblies through last week reminding students that we are lucky to have a school community where students feel safe, and this should always be protected.
We have had an exciting week with Year 7 & 8 selecting their 'super curriculum' options for next year. Our Super Curriculum will be a starting point to grow enrichment opportunities for students in this school, to rival any private or larger school offering. We are committed to pursuing our vision 'to develop well rounded, confident individuals who are world ready'.
I am starting to see students awarded for excellent work with our PROUD (proudtoberingmer) achievement launch. All students who receive stickers for excellent work will be given a reward at our Friday lunchtime PROUD table, and I have asked our student councils to consider which rewards would incentivise them the most. All ideas welcome!
Next week, we will be sending out our termly parent survey. As always, I welcome all of your views and feedback as we aim to move the school forward. We read through every response, and all views are taken into account to ensure we can make the best decisions for your child.
The final few weeks of school are always busy, and we are looking forward to our chinese school student visitors arriving, sports day, and of course enrichment week! The students of this school deserve the very best and I hope they all have a positive last section of the year.
Have a great weekend
Best wishes,
Mr Harvey
Chinese Visitors to King’s Academy Ringmer – 1 to 5 July 2024
As part of our drive to give our students an International outlook, we are delighted to welcome 24 Chinese students to spend the week at King's Academy Ringmer from 1-5 July. We had over 60 requests to be a "buddy" to the visiting students, and 24 lucky students have been selected.
We are all very excited about meeting teenagers from another part of the world and I am sure that the whole community will make them feel very welcome!
Photos to follow!
Matilda Jr. Tickets Now on Sale! 
Tickets for Matilda Jr. are now available for Performances on Wednesday 26th June and Thursday 27th June.
Ticket Prices:
Family Ticket*: £12.00
Adult Ticket: £6.00
Child Ticket: £3.00
*Family ticket - 2 adults, 2 children or 1 adult, 3 children
All tickets are to be purchased via parent pay. Members of the community who wish to book tickets can do so by visiting reception with cash.
Please be sure to select the correct date for the performance you wish to attend.
Kind regards, Mrs H Bailey and Ms F Urquhart
Congratulations to our first recipients of the PROUD rewards, after we launched the initiative last week. It was delightful to see so much students showing off their outstanding work at lucnhtime.
PE Activities
Over the last week we have taken part in fixtures against other schools in both Athletics and Rounders. The events were open to 12 local partnership schools to take part in and we had some excellent results.
- Year 10 Athletics finished 5th
- Year 8 Athletics finished 5th
- Year 7 Athletics finished 3rd
- Year 10 Rounders finished 6th.
Over the next couple of weeks, we have some other rounders tournaments coming up for the other year groups.
Sports Day is going to be on Friday 5th July, this is a whole day of sporting activities which we would love students to be as actively involved as possible. Events on the day range from rounders, baseball, capture the flag, football, basketball, table tennis, individual challenges and culminating in some athletics sprinting and relay events
Thank you, The PE Team
Food Technology Department
Year 10 are still developing their styling skills - this set of lessons was about stacking pancakes working on height and with seasonal fruits.
Change News
Our Sustainable Drainage system planters are flowering and look lovely! We have a few of these dotted around the school grounds which are an asset to our playground and offer a lifeline to insects and pollinators. A group of parents and students braved the rain back in November to build and assemble these. They have come to life over the last couple of weeks and seem to be working very well.
Spade2spoon Club have made a Charles Dowding inspired ‘No Dig’ vegetable patch to bring on our more mature squash. Students lay cardboard to suppress the weeds and then put some rich well-rotted horse manure over the top, finished off with some membrane to keep the moisture in. We hope these vegetable plants will enjoy their nutrient rich new home.
Ideas for change - This weekend is world refill day (16 June) It is essentially about reducing the amount of plastic in our lives. The simplest refill we can make is a water bottle. Every time a water bottle is refilled one less plastic bottle is used. However, there are many other things you can also refill. Locally in Uckfield and Lewes a couple of small independent shops offer the opportunity to refill, a common and fairly easy one to do is washing up liquid.
Mrs Simon-House
Apprenticeship Roadshows
Bookings are now open for the East Sussex Apprenticeship Roadshows 2024. The events will be taking place on: Tuesday 25 June 2024 (16:30-18:30), White Rock Theatre, Hastings Thursday 11 July 2024 (16:30-18:30), Welcome Building, Eastbourne Young people, parents and jobseekers will have the opportunity to meet with employers and providers who are offering live apprenticeship vacancies.
An expert Q&A panel of apprentices, employers and training providers will provide information about routes, from pre-employment to higher and degree apprenticeships. Places are limited, so people must book in advance.
Bookings can be made online.
Parent Guide to Education – Years 9, 10 and 11
Parent Guide is putting on a series of free webinars before the summer break to benefit parents/carers of current Yr 9, 10, and 11 students.
Details of each event can be found by clicking on the event link where there will also be the opportunity to register for a ticket.
As with all of our Parent Guide webinars, they will last approximately 45 minutes and attendees will be given the opportunity to ask questions at the end. If parents can’t attend the events live, then as long as they have registered for a ticket, they will be emailed a link to the replay as soon as the event has finished.
- Stepping up to Yr 12. 7-8pm, Thurs 20th June (For parents/carers of current yr 11 students)
https://events.parentguidetoeducation.com/stepping-up-to-y12 - Navigating yr 11. 7-8pm, Thurs 27th June (For parents/carers of current yr 10 students) https://events.parentguidetoeducation.com/navigating-y11
- Navigating GCSE. 7-8pm, Thurs 4th July (For parents/carers of current yr 9 students) https://events.parentguidetoeducation.com/navigating-gcses
Family Hub East Sussex - Parenting Courses
Online parenting courses - teenagers
East Sussex Family Hub sessions are for parents and carers of pre-teens and teenagers aged 10+.
Triple P is the Positive Parenting Programme. The approach gives simple and practical ways to help you:
- build a strong, healthy relationship with your child
- confidently manage their behaviour
- prevent problems developing
All the courses and activities are free to attend.
A list of courses can be found on their website, some examples:
- Positive Parenting Programme: Triple P – Teens course
- Mental wellbeing
- Fear-Less: Triple P
- Coping with teenagers’ emotions
- Overcoming teen challenges
- Building teen survival skills
- Managing screen time
- Reducing family conflict
- Getting teens to cooperate
- New school
- Starting secondary school
- Parental conflict
To view the courses and register see the website: https://familyhubs.eastsussex.gov.uk/activities/online-teen#Starting%20secondary%20school