Dear parents and carers,
I hope you have had a positive week.
Assemblies this week have been led by Mr Weir and have focussed on The International Holocaust Remembrance Day on 27 January, that commemorates the victims of the Holocaust. This marks the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi concentration camp complex. This was a moving assembly which gave our school community an opportunity to reflect together on how we can impact on ensuring a better future.
This week we have had colleagues from other schools join us to support our ongoing work on the reading curriculum. They have been impressed by the behaviour and engagement they have seen in lessons, and commented specifically on how polite and articulate our students are. I have the pleasure of experiencing this every day, but it is always nice when these important areas are recognised by staff from other schools.
We have also been chosen to present our work to East Sussex schools next week on our super curriculum and plans moving forward. Once again, it is fantastic that we have received external recognition regarding the value we put on developing the whole child.
I will soon be sending out this term's parent survey, so please keep an eye out for this as your views continue to be important in moving our community forward. Our OFSTED parent survey showed that around 90% of our parents would currently recommend the school. We were advised that the current national benchmark for a 'strong' percentage is above 80%. However, we are not complacent and all of your views and feedback are read through and reflected on.
Finally, thank you again for your support on attendance. Students have come back extremely well after the Christmas break, and we are keen to maintain this momentum with regard to attendance. Having broken attendance (missing one day off every two weeks, or random days) means missing 5 hours of learning each time, which in return can create a struggle to understand the work, given that lessons are taught in sequences that are based on prior knowledge. I thank you for your support, as we continue to move in the right direction. As we approach just over 100 days to go until year 11 exams begin, every day is now vital as courses enter their final stages.
Have a great weekend
Best wishes,
Mr Harvey
Year 9 Vaccinations - Thursday 6th February
You should have received an email if your year 9 child is being asked to participate in the Tetanus, Diphtheria and Polio & Meningitis immunisations this morning.
Please complete the online form via the link to confirm whether your child has consent or not.
If you have a Year 10 or 11 student who missed this vaccination, please email ringmer.immunisations@kingsacademies.uk to ask for a consent form.
Ground Force morning Saturday 8th March – 10am to 12 noon
I am planning on hosting a ‘Ground Force’ morning to tidy up the outdoor space around the Eco Hub which has become overrun with weeds and brambles. Although we encourage biodiversity, this area has got a bit out of control!
We are asking for volunteers from students with an allocated parent/carer to come and help for 1-2 hours on the morning of Saturday 8th March to help clear and tidy from 10am to 12noon
The area requires weeding paths and cutting down and digging up brambles. If you have tough gloves and garden tools that you could use, please bring them along. I have some gloves and tools which can also be used. Appropriate clothing and footwear must be worn to protect yourselves.
To get an idea of uptake please could you fill in the following form: https://forms.gle/37LjjVn6BRzt1Frp9
Mrs Ruth Simon-House, ECO-Coordinator
Invitation to students enter the Grantham Climate Art Prize by 31 January 2025
Young people aged 11 – 25 are invited to enter the 2025 Grantham Climate Art Prize by designing a mural to draw attention to the climate crisis. Two murals will be unveiled in 2025 at Imperial College and designs for the first a mural – at the South Kensington campus – are being sought. The winner will get £200 in gift vouchers and 3 runners-up will get £100 each in vouchers.
Students can submit a design for the mural with the theme From Grey to Green – focusing on the importance of boosting nature and green innovation to allow us to have a more sustainable future, which will be better for the planet and for our physical and mental health. It might, for example, capture an urban environment and how it might look greener and more sustainable in the near future.
The winning design will be transformed into a large-scale (9.4m by 2m) mural by a professional artist while runner-up designs will be exhibited on the campus.
The art prize is a biennial competition and previous themes have included British Biodiversity Loss (2021) and A Greener, Cleaner, Cooler World (2023), inspired by the Grantham Institute’s 9 things you can do about climate change. As well as the 12 murals across Great Britain – from Brighton to Glasgow – we have had exhibitions of winning and runner-up designs, including at COP26, in museums, and on billboards in London’s transport hubs.
Further details of the competition are available on the Grantham Climate Art Prize webpage. To enter the 2025 art prize, please upload a clear photograph of your landscape style design as a JPEG, PNG or GIF by 31 January 2025.
Plumpton Open Day – 18 January 2025 – 9am to 12 noon
There's so much on offer in the land and environment sector, from agriculture and animal management to blacksmithing, forestry, wine, and horticulture. Our courses offer an immersive education for a changing world.
Plumpton gas got full and part-time courses from school leaver and adult courses, through to university courses. Build your morning with bookable tours and experience all we have to offer on our order form.
Hear what it's like to study at Plumpton College and the careers available from Principal Jeremy Kerswell at 9:30am and 11:30am.
See their amazing facilities, meet our staff and students, hear talks from various courses, and get a real feel for what it’s like to be a student at Plumpton College.
Ask their fantastic support team any questions about applying for a course and start your journey with them.
Book onto a Residential Tour and view their OFSTED Rated 'Outstanding' residential accommodation at 9:30am, 10am, 10:30am, 11am and 11:30am. Booking is required.
Visit their Fisheries Management Centre at 9:30am and 10:45am. Booking is required.
View their stunning campus in the South Downs National Park with a guided Campus Tour at 10am and 11am.
If you're interested in their degrees or adult education, speak with their lecturers at their AgriFood Centre on campus.
Whether you have an interest in science, maths or sustainability, have an artistic flair or want to be part of the future looking after the environment and our planet - they have a course for you.
Parents, carers, and friends are welcome to attend the event with the applicant but are not required to book a free ticket.