Please enter an introduction for your news story here.
Dear Parents and Carers,
As we approach the holiday, I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to our parents and carers for all the support this term. I continue to emphasise how important it is to me that we work together to support our young people; the team and I are truly grateful for the partnerships we have built with our parents and carers.
It continues to be a great privilege to serve as Principal of this exceptional school. This term has been packed with activities; our open evening, open mornings, visitors into school, an OFSTED inspection, the launch of our Super Curriculum, educational visits, new House events and numerous events, such as our Winter Showcase, bake sales and celebration assemblies. Above all, as our OFSTED inspection identified, students are working extremely hard in lessons, and it has been fantastic to see their engagement in the learning. We have received some more positive news this week, with our recent GCSE results for disadvantaged students being confirmed as being in the top 2.5% of schools nationally. This is a significant achievement, and one which we can be extremely proud of.
Our school continues to grow in reputation, with record numbers of applications again for our Year 7 cohort next year. This is a wonderful compliment and testimony to all involved in the school.
I would like to say a big thank you to all the staff at the school who work hard so that your child can achieve and reach their potential. Their good humour and energy is an inspiration on a daily basis.
We say goodbye today to Ms Bailey (Head of Year 7 and Subject Lead for Dance/Drama) who is leaving on maternity leave, and Ms Thompson (Marketing, Admissions and Transition). We thank them both for their excellent work for our school. We look forward to welcoming the following new staff in January:
- April Dyson - Teacher of Dance and Performing Arts
- Megan Trewin - Admin Assistant
- Laura Overton Harvey - Admin Assistant
- Deb Lancaster - Marketing, Admissions and Transition Manager
We are also pleased to announce that Mr Coulthard is now confirmed as Acting Head of Year 7.
Due to these staffing changes, please note that there have been some timetable changes as follows:
Timetable Updates
There will be some re-organisation of the timetable in place after Christmas. This will mainly impact Years 7,8 and 9 in what we call the linear and technology blocks. There will be no group changes, but when lessons take place and the allocated teacher may change. This is due to changing the multiple staff teaching a number of English and Science classes. Edulink will be up to date from 1st January at the latest, so you will be able to view timetables in advance of returning on the 6th January 2025.
Years 7, 8 and 9 Interim Reports
Over the next two terms, we will be changing from the SIMs Management Information System to Arbor in line with other schools in KGA family. As part of this, we will be changing how we report on students in Years 7,8 and 9. In the summer we will be changing the format of the reports given feedback we received at the end of last year. We will showcase some approaches and invite feedback from parents later in the year.
We will therefore be providing interim reports over the next term for Years 7, 8 and 9 based on the mid-year assessments. These reports will not contain teacher comments based on comment banks neither will they report on attainment bands 1-4 as previously, instead we will provide the following in line with the approach at other local secondary schools:
- A student's assessment score along with the average score for the year group.
- A student's attitude to learning.
- Attendance data for the student up until the date the report is published, and the average for the year group.
- Behaviour data for the student and the averages for the year group.
For the end of year reports we are currently considering the following in addition to the above a written report based on areas of strength as well as those where further progress is required, subject by subject as well as a personal development comment from the form tutor.
The Year 8 Interim Report will be shared on 13th January. Parents will be able to discuss the report on the 23rd January during the Academic Progress Evening. Years 9 will follow in a similar manner i.e. 6th February Options/Academic Progress Evening. Year 7 will receive an interim report on the 24th February and parents will be encouraged to contact staff directly with any questions/concerns as the Academic Progress Evening has already taken place.
From all of us here at King’s Academy Ringmer, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year. The team and I look forward to working with you in 2025, and look forward to seeing our students back on Monday 6th January
Best wishes,
Mr Harvey
A message from Lewes Community Fire Station
Dear Resident,
Free Smoke Alarms
East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service are visiting your area and offering free Home Safety visits fitting Smoke Alarms if required, all free of charge!
Lewes Community Fire Station would like to visit you in your home, to provide home fire safety advice, which is specific to you, including summer/winter fire safety, BBQ and cooking, water safety when being near to rivers and lakes local to you. As well as road safety and how to protect yourself and your home from fire.
If needed, we will supply and fit a smoke alarm, free of charge! If you would like to take us up on this free offer, please contact
- The Crew via telephone 01323 462989
- Or email the Station Administrators via email
Please email or leave a message stating your name, address, postcode, telephone number and quote ‘Lewes Crews”.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely
Lewes Community Fire Station
Food Bank Donations
Thanks to all who contributed.
Christmas Carols in Ringmer
On Wednesday the KAR Voices choir went to Ringmer Villiage hall to sing carols for residents of the villiage. The all sung beautifully and it was a lovely morning for all.
Year 8 Art
Year 8 art have been making various food from papers and boards! Some mouth-watering makes were created from sushi to pancakes.
Mrs Hepburn particularly liked the little mouse added to the block of cheese. Well done year 8!
Year 10 Food Tech
Year 10 have been learning about Scales of Production methods and worked in a group to demonstrate the stages of batch production through creating some delicious truffles! This was the last stage of their product design journey where they have learnt about appropriate papers and boards for food, forming their own HIPS chocolate tray and designing their branding through graphic illustration. Enjoy your truffles year 10!
House Event - Penalty Shootout
The final House event of the year was held on Tuesday lunchtime and run by our Principal, Mr Harvey and assisted by Mr Coulthard. Mrs Hepburn stood in the stand with a crowd of chanting supporters from all year groups. ‘Building a Belonging’ here At Kings Academy Ringmer! Well done all.
Mrs Hepburn Imber
Handmade Ceramic Mugs
The year 10's who took part in the Eastbourne Pottery creative industries careers visit a few weeks ago received their handmade mugs back after they were fired and glazed.
We tested them out in the LRC with hot chocolate and all of them were a success. Well done to the year 10's on a great visit and amazing hand-building skills.
Mrs Colbourne and Miss Hook
Book Buzz gifted books 
This month we have gifted every student in year 7 with a new book for them to keep. The books are part of an exciting reading programme developed by BookTrust, the UK's largest children's reading charity.
With 16 fantastic titles to choose from, students all found something to inspire them.
At King’s Academy we are committed to encouraging students to become lifelong readers and the BookBuzz programme is a great way to embed a reading for pleasure culture.
Mrs Colbourne
New menu from Chartwells
We have attached a copy of the new Autumn term menu from Chartwells for your information.
The menu runs on a three week cycle and the dates for each week are on the top of each page. A copy of the current tariff is also attached.
Christmas Card Competition Winners
We had some absolutely brilliant cards submitted this year for our annual Christmas Card design competition, Well done and thank you to everyone who entered!
Categories for prizes:
-Winner for most Ringmer inspired
-Winner for Funniest
-Over all winner
Keep your ears and eyes out for our spring Photography Competition starting January!
Please see the winners below:
Most Ringmer: Charlotte Y7
Funniest: Bonnie Y8
Overall winner: Tom Y8
Bonus entry: Tom Y9
London Art & Photography trip
Photography students were tasked with finding the following in London:
- Koala Bear
- Tartan Umbrella
- Octopus
- Silver person
The winner is... Lola A, well done!
Buses for Early finish on Friday 20 December 2024
The R107, R108 & 318 school buses will be at school to collect students at 12.15pm.
Please see below details of other routes:
125 Bus route
The bus does not cover the school on the route earlier in the day, however on the last day of term when we finish at 12.15pm the bus will be at school to collect the students who would normally catch that bus home as per information received below.
I can confirm that we will be able to divert an earlier bus into the academy which will be on site just before 12.30.
Please note that this lunchtime bus does not run via Berwick Station. The afternoon journey will serve the school as normal.
For further information please see the attached route timetable, further bus details can be found on the Compass bus website
All other buses will be running their normal timetables as below - you can check the Brighton Hove website (details below) or app for these times as well
28 to Lewes is due outside school at 12.33pm and again at 1.03pm.
28 Regency to Eastbourne via Hailsham and Polegate is due at The Forge cafe stop at 12.27pm and 12.57pm.
Please note - 29b to Uckfield - This service will not be running any earlier in the day so students will have to be collected from school by parents/carers at 12.15pm.
Free School Meal vouchers for the Christmas school holidays 2024
Please see details below from East Sussex County Council with regards to the free school meal vouchers.
It has been agreed that each pupil will receive a £50 voucher for the Christmas holiday. The expiry date must be set to 7 January 2025. Please advise parents to activate their voucher before the expiry date as any left to expire cannot be re-issued.
We will be sending the vouchers out via email in the next week.
Saturday clubs open for booking for years 7-11
The University of Brighton’s Saturday clubs are open for applications for students in years 7-11. The deadline for applications for three of the clubs is Friday 10 January.
All clubs are free to attend, and we ask that students commit to attending all sessions for their chosen club. Please share these opportunities with your students and their parents/carers. Posters can be downloaded on the links below.
Art & Media club - for years 8 and 9
- Location: University of Brighton’s City campus
- Dates: 1, 8 and 15 February
- Time: 10.30am - 1pm, with snacks and drink included
Take part in workshops exploring fashion textiles, fashion communications and screen printing, with the theme of sustainability running throughout. Tour our facilities at our City Campus and work with our academic staff and current university students.
Application deadline is 10 Jan.
Geography, Ecology & Environmental Science club - for years 10 and 11
- Location: University of Brighton's Moulsecoomb campus
- Dates: 1, 8 and 15 February
- Time: 10.00am - 1pm, with snacks and drink included
Explore how we encounter nature locally and internationally, investigating people-nature interactions, the monitoring and mapping of wildlife movements, and forensic animal ecology.
Further information about this club
Application deadline is 10 Jan.
Sports club - for years 7 and 8
- Location: University of Brighton’s Falmer campus
- Dates: 1, 8 and 15 February
- Time: 10am - 2pm, with lunch included
Take part in exciting sport and sport science activities giving you an insight into different ways you can pursue sport at university and as a career. Sessions will include a variety of sports activities and games, experiments in our sport labs, and challenges in our strength and conditioning suite.
Application deadline is 10 Jan.
Formula 24 club - for years 8 and 9
- Location: University of Brighton's Moulsecoomb campus.
- Dates: 1, 15 and 29 March, 12 April and race day on 27 April.
- Time: 10am - 2pm, with lunch included.
Work in teams to build, test-drive and race a Formula 24 electric racing car. Take part in a variety of engineering activities and a local race heat, sponsored by Greenpower, against teams from across the region at Goodwood Motor Circuit.
Application deadline is 7 Feb.
Students should fill in the Saturday club application form with their parents/carers. All clubs are run as part of our widening participation programme and priority is given to students meeting our criteria.
St Mary's Panto, Lewes
We are a local charity that produces an annual pantomime with our proceeds going towards keeping St Mary's Social Centre running - an important community hub with many local groups, charities, classes and more relying on it.
This year's show is the well-loved classic Jack and the Beanstalk, cast with a blend of children and adults ranging from 6 years old to, well, it would be rude to say! Promising to be full of fun, song and laughter it will be a show not to miss.
They are pleased to say that they have several children from King’s Academy Ringmer in the show this year who are all doing the pantomime, and their school, very proud.
Please see poster which has details on it where to purchase tickets and a link to their website -