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KAR Newsletter 27/09/2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you have had a good week. 

My assemblies this week have centred on the importance of being ‘well rounded’, in line with our school vision. I have discussed with students that whilst grades are important, it is their character which will take them to where they want to go. We have outlined the importance of developing ‘soft skills’ that employers will want to see, such as communication and listening. Alongside this, it has been fantastic to see Key Stage 3 engaging in our new oracy lessons. I particularly enjoyed seeing the lessons where students were debating whether the Government should put additional taxation on junk food! 

It was fantastic to see our new Year 7 parents on Monday for the first ‘Route to Success’ evening. We will shortly be asking for some feedback to review how we can further support. A reminder of the remaining evenings.

  • Monday 30 September - Year 8 - Year Group Launch Evening - 5.30pm to 6.30pm
  • Monday 7 October - Year 9 - Year Group Launch Evening - 5.30pm to 6.30pm
  • Monday 14 October - Year 10 - Route to Success Launch Evening - 5.30pm to 6.30pm

On Wednesday, we held our Post 16 careers event. We were delighted to welcome local colleges and providers to discuss A Level’s, apprenticeships and everything in between. I would like to thank Ms Colbourne who has really strengthened the careers strand within the school. It is important to us that our students have regular opportunities to face employers either internally or externally, and it is clear that this is having a positive impact. 

We are looking forward to re-launching our House system before half term, and will be putting an important question to all our students in the first instance: Do you want to keep the House names, or change them? Once the students have voted, we look forward to offering 40 new leadership positions across years 7-11.

Finally, I would like to point parents and carers towards a new Parent Support Forum on Wednesday 16th October between 5pm and 6pm. I would like to welcome anyone interested into school to discuss how a new parent forum may work moving forward, and support our key development objective this year of strengthening parent and carer engagement. We promise to prove tea, coffee and cake! A link will be sent out next week to confirm your attendance.

Have a great weekend

Best wishes,
r Harvey

Post 16 Evening

This week, we hosted our post 16 options event and welcomed a number of colleges and learning providers to come and talk face to face with our students, parents and carers. This was a well-attended event by both our year 11s and year 10s. The exhibitors were kept busy with interested students and were really helpful in answering all the questions. The event gave our students the opportunity to plan for their futures and helped them to explore all the exciting courses and options available to them after their GCSE’s. Thank you to all those who attended and everyone involved for making the evening a success.

Mrs Colbourne

Charleston in Lewes - exhibition showcasing artwork by Kings Academy Students

Towards the end of last term, some of our students were invited to take part in a pilot project at
Charleston Lewes, a cultural centre and art Gallery in the heart of Lewes. Our students took part in an artist-led workshop and responded to themes in the gallery through printmaking, illustration and animation.

You can now see our students’ work on show in the project space located on the second floor outside Gallery 2. The exhibition runs until March 2025.

Miss Hook and Mrs Colbourne were invited along to see the students’ work which coincided with a private view of two new exhibitions. One of these exhibitions is showing work by Grayson Perry, one of the UK’s best-known artists. Miss Hook and Mrs Colbourne were very privileged to meet Grayson Perry and spoke to him about our school’s art department and the work on show.

Please note the school’s exhibition is free of charge but charges apply to other exhibits and age
restrictions may apply. Charleston offer a pay what you can scheme on the last Sunday of each month.

French Update

Year 7 linguists have been getting to grips with their "Top 10" this week, learning the meta-language that will help them to understand how languages work.  They have been working creatively with these concepts to help create a reference for themselves.  Great study skills year 7!

Autumn Term Clubs 
Yearbook Committee

Mrs. Thompson and the Senior Marketing Students are recruiting students from years 10 and 11 to join the yearbook committee. Please speak to Mrs. Thompson to put your name down!

Careers in the Screen Industries

Looking for Information and guidance on careers in the screen industries? 

Do you have questions like:

  • Should I go to university or try to gain practical experience through an entry level job in the industry instead?
  • What does it mean to be a ‘freelancer’?
  • What subjects can I take to help prepare me for working in the screen industries?  

To help you, Into Film has created a brand new ‘Step into Screen Careers’ series of resources. This versatile series of activity sheets is perfect for engaging students in exploring career paths and building skills which are useful in the screen industries.  

The activities encourage young people to think about the practicalities of entering employment, with a spotlight on the unique aspects of the screen industries like film, TV, and games production. They help students understand the specific skills, roles, and challenges involved in these dynamic fields. And more!


The sheets are suitable for students to use independently, allowing them to reflect on their skills and interests. They can also be incorporated into career discussions, meetings with advisors, or existing lessons, making them useful tools for exploring careers in the screen industries. 

This is the first of our ‘Step into Screen Careers’ resources, please look out for more activity sheets being added to the Resource section of our website from Tuesday 29 October.  
You can access the resources 24/7 for FREE. All you need is an Into Film Account and then to hit download!   

If you're new to Into Film, and don't have an account yet, don't worry - it's completely free and only takes a moment to set up. An Into Film Account will grant you access to hundreds of other free curriculum-linked educational resources, not to mention our CPD and training opportunities, competitions, and more.

What else can you benefit from?  

  • Go-To Guide for Screen Industry Careers     
    This handy guide provides you with a wealth of information and resources to help you help young people navigate the diverse and dynamic world of screen careers. It's filled with helpful links that will save you time and help you discover what's available.
  • Upcoming careers events 
    Discover all the latest events that you or young people can attend to explore careers in the screen industries. Each month we bring you a monthly round-up of the best screen careers events that you don't want to miss.

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