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KAR Newsletter 28/02/2025

Dear Parents and carers, 


I hope you have had a great week and a half-term.


Firstly, a big well done to all the students who went on the ski trip. They represented the school magnificently, and I am delighted to hear of their positive experiences this week. We have received a number of positive communications back regarding our students from all the staff involved on the trip. In addition, a big thank you to the staff for their hard work in ensuring these trips can run smoothly. 

This week, my assemblies have focussed on the importance of maintaining high standards once they have been achieved. We are under no illusions as a school that we still have a lot to do in order to continue the positive progress being made, and, of course, our students are the most important part of this. I spoke to them about high expectations being a privilege and showing that as educators we care about their future, and that, yes, we are strict because we care. In my 18 years as an educator, I have been lucky to visit over 100 schools, and I tell our children that they should take great pride in how they conduct themselves on a daily basis. We always have room for improvement, of course!

A big well done to our Year 11 students who have started their GCSE practical cooking exams this week. It has been a great experience doing some of the tastings of their three-course meals this week. I must say that their presentation of each course has been fantastic and there is a huge amount of culinary talent on show!

A reminder that we are still advertising for a marketing professional, in addition to some other roles listed on our website. We have a communication strategy ready to implement once we appoint, so I apologise again that our feeds are a little quieter than normal.

We are looking forward to celebrating World Book Day next week on Thursday. This is a non-uniform day where students are encouraged to dress up as characters from their favourite books where possible. I will see if I can dig out the Dumbledore outfit again this year!

Have a great week

Best wishes,


Ski Trip

Well done to all the students who went on the ski trip in the half-term closure.  The ski instructors and ski reps all commented on what great students we have; how good they were at listening and how much progress they made. Well done.  Mr Coulthard

PE Kit

We are noticing an increased trend in students not attending lessons with the appropriate kit.  Students are required to have their school Pe kit for all lessons even if they are unable to take part due to injury.

Can you please ensure that students have the correct kit, including footwear, for all PE lessons, as we are unable to loan many students a PE kit for lessons?  We simply do not have enough spare kit to lend out every lesson.  Thank you, Mr Coulthard 


Change Committee

Our Change Committee met before half-term to work on our updated Eco Code. This is an important part of our Eco-Schools work. The committee, consisting of our parent and governor volunteers, worked alongside our Change Ambassador students, threading our KAR values together with our environmental stewardship. Please have a look at our Eco Code, which will also be displayed in our school Reception and on our Eco Board.

Our Eco-Code - At Kings Academy Ringmer 


  • We RESPECT the world we live in.

  • We are READY and have FAITH in our ability to make a change.

  • We COMMUNICATE our concerns.

  • We have AMBITION towards our climate goals.

  • We will be RESILIENT when change is not easy.

  • We have the COURAGE to stand up for our beliefs.

  • We are ALTRUISTIC in our actions

  • We show KINDNESS to the environment, wildlife and each other.

  • We are HONEST about our actions.

  • We are CURIOUS about improvements.

  • We are PROUD to be Ringmer where we will lead by example. 


Produced by our Change Ambassadors

Developing well-rounded, confident individuals who are world-ready.


Our recent KAR Eco Assembly focused on some of the bigger environmental problems the world is facing and how we can focus together as a school community on smaller actions to create bigger changes. 

Our focus this term is to use our    Recycling bins and to be mindful about separating our waste whenever possible. 

We now have two bins alongside each other in the outdoor spaces, so students can separate their waste: dry recycling and general waste. This is legislation that is being enforced for businesses in March and households in the near future. Separating our waste is not only part of our commitment to making positive changes, but we will be charged less for rubbish too. Please support us by thinking about where you should put your rubbish. One wrong thing in the recycling bin will contaminate the whole bin. 


Plumpton College Bake Off is back again for 2025 – Year 9 and 10 students

VE Day 80th Anniversary Theme

Email Student Entries here - by Friday 4 April 2025

Poster from Plumpton College



Junior Bake Off – Join the Class of 2025

To apply, head to  

If you cannot apply online and would like an application form posted to you, please email: or call 0207 067 4833 stating your full name, full address (including postcode) and telephone number.

Applications close on Sunday 23 March 2025


Lewes Football Foundation – for girls in Years 7 to 9

Lewes Football Foundation have a new initiative as part of the Foundation's Saturday Rooks offer at the 3G.  They want to develop a space for girls in Years 7-9 who would like to try football but don't because of a lack of confidence and who may find playing with other girls who already play too intimidating.

Lewes Football Foundation is excited to announce a series of introductory taster sessions for girls in Years 7-9 (U12s-U14s) who would love to play football but have never done so before. We're providing a safe, non-judgmental space to have a go and have fun trying.
Starts Sat 8 March for four weeks. 

Click the drop-in register link at the top of the page.