This week's message from Principal, Mrs Williams 08/10/21
Open Evening
We had a wonderful Open Evening this Thursday and I am grateful that the weather held out for us. I was so proud of the 115 guides, classroom helpers and the 7 student speakers who stood before 500 hundred people telling them how wonderful our school is. We are so hopeful for a full year 7 group next year, so don't forget to tell all your friends about our Open Mornings over the next two weeks.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all our staff who worked so hard last night to share their skills, professionalism and dedication alongside the students. The highlight of the evening for me came from our Year 7 student Jack Powell, who told the assembled audience that at KAR ‘Biology is humerus and Maths is a real plus!’
Lesson Legend week
Lesson Legend week is happening next week (11th -15th October). Each lesson, students and staff vote for the student who has been the ‘lesson legend’. There is no limit to the number of lesson legends you can get in a week so that's up to 30! Then, when you get home, parents and carers will have already received an email from the school telling them about your achievements that day. Good luck and if your teacher forgets, remind them to vote for the ‘lesson legend!’
PE Department
Firstly, we have had a really positive start to the year with a number of students already representing the schools in different activities and long may this continue.
We have noticed however that a number of students are not coming fully prepared for lessons in terms of the equipment which they are bringing. We have the use of the wonderful 3G pitch for lessons which when the weather has been so wet is ideal for us. With the use of this students have to wear the correct footwear being football boots or astro turf trainers (which can be worn on the 3G, the field and indoors), without the correct footwear they are not allowed onto the surface. We have noticed that we are having to lend out some of our limited selection of boots/astros for almost every lesson.
Groups in Key Stage 3 will soon be swapping activities with the girls and the mixed groups moving on to football and the boys groups moving to Netball.
Currently, we are waiting for a response from Sussex Uniforms to see how long any outstanding orders will take to be delivered, so can I ask that if you are awaiting a delivery that you please ensure that students have suitable, alternative clothing to wear for the lessons until the correct uniform arrives.
Many thanks, PE Department
Clubs and Enrichment
We have now established a range of clubs for both after school and lunch time. We hope to further enhance the offer with inter-house activities at lunchtime and interventions and academic support for all year groups, especially Key stage 4.
King’s Academy Ringmer Equestrian team
I am delighted to announce that we are launching the King’s Academy Ringmer Equestrian Team in association with NSEA.
We will be establishing a team of riders who will represent the school at NSEA events; hopefully we will win lots of prizes.
We already have a core team including our Year 11 Captain George Sumner. It will be an opportunity for the equestrians of the school to ride, train and compete together. We are very grateful to a small group of parents who have already offered time, facilities and expertise to put the team together and support it.
If you would like to get involved you need to be already riding and be confident on horseback. You do not need to have your own horse, but you do need to be committed to training and travelling to events. There is a £20 fee to join the team which we pay to NSEA.
If you would like to get involved please email
If you have just read the above you will see that we are launching an equestrian team. We are also looking for a small amount of sponsorship, to cover travel costs and items such as saddle livery. If you think you could help or know someone who could, please email
Eco Hub News
We are delighted to announce that we have been shortlisted for the Department for Education Sustainability Award! The judges greatly enjoyed reviewing our submission and are confident that 2021 will be our best year yet!
Ms Pillar and Mrs Holmes are also very excited to be launching our Eco Hub website. This is found on the school website so go have a look here. Not only is it promoting all the great things we do at KAR but it also has a list of upcoming events, local and global communities and what you can do to help combat climate change at home.
We welcome new Eco reps from every year group to be a part of our exciting Eco work here at Kings Academy Ringmer. Let us know what you think- feedback is greatly appreciated!
Safeguarding Focus
Sensing Friends
Please see link: . This is an Online Counselling for Young People.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Sensing Friends have received funding from HM Government in partnership with The Big Lottery Community Fund to provide free online counselling to young people in Sussex.
Who we can help
We can accept referrals from young people who experience any of the following:
• Experienced trauma which is impacting their mental health
• Have emotional needs that impact how they interact with the world around them and others
• Have any kind of physical sensory need such as visual/ hearing impairment
• Have any kind of neurological condition such as being on the Autistic Spectrum.
Online Safety
Please find attached two very useful documents for parents/carers regarding online safety below.
Kind regards
Sian Williams