This week's message from Principal, Mrs Williams.
Year 11 Mocks
This week I would like to congratulate the Year 11s on their hard work and dedication during their first round of mock exams. We have added this extra round of exams so that we can ensure we are addressing any gaps as a result of Covid- for both students and staff- this information will be essential. As you know, we have been advised by the exam regulator Ofqual that exams will go ahead next year- if somewhat adapted. However, there is always the worst case scenario of cancellation. Were this to be the case, these mocks would be an essential part of centre assessed grades. I am therefore delighted to see the commitment of our year 11s- we are very proud of you all.
Harvest Season Foodbank Collection
This week, we were visited by Marisa Hayes, a parent and Lay Minister from St Mary’s Church Ringmer. Marissa spoke with our KS4 students about the work the church is doing with local food banks, which is very pertinent during the harvest season. KAR have decided to launch their own foodbank collection. We will be challenging the four houses to collect food and essential items and if possible with the packaging themed to their house colours! For example:
Franklin Hawking Seacole Turing
red, pinks & orange yellow gold & brown white, silver & grey blue, green and purple
We don’t want you to panic about sticking rigidly to this. We just thought this would add to the energy of the collection if we made it slightly competitive. Suggestions for donations are: cereals, pasta and rice, pasta sauces, tea and coffee, long life milk, jam and marmalade, biscuits, fruit juice and squashes, pet food, cleaning materials, soap (bars and liquid), toothbrushes and toothpaste, shampoo and shower gel, toilet and kitchen rolls.
Students - please bring items in from Monday and take them to the hall. The collection will be for one week before and week after the half term break. Thank you in advance for your donation.
Ronnie – King’s Academy Ringmer Therapy Dog
Please see the amazing photos below of Ronnie taken recently by two of our Year 11 students in their GCSE Photography lesson:
Photo taken by Lillian Waterman Photo taken by Ellena Johnson
Whole School Individual and Year 11 Photo Day – Thursday 21 October 2021
Lightroom Photography Ltd are coming in for the day on Thursday 21 October to take your child’s photograph and the Year 11 group photo.
Once the photographs have been taken, your child will bring home with them an A5 ordering sheet with an ordering reference code unique to each student for you to view the images and place an order if you wish to do so. Ordering is online only via
If you would like to know more please visit or email
PE Department
Can I please take this opportunity to remind you of the high standards that are expected regarding school uniform and student’s appearance.
Fixtures this week - Year 7s won their first football game on Monday, the Year 8s performed admirably in their Netball tournament on Tuesday and the Year 9s, unfortunately, losing their football game on Wednesday.
An Interhouse virtual challenge is currently happening with students invited to take part in a virtual London 2.6 mile challenge. Which pupils can either run or walk. All they need to do is submit their evidence on the following link to prove that they have completed the challenge. Or alternatively, go onto the house classroom which has the link.
So far 4 pupils have completed this with points awarded for every finisher. Well done all. The PE team
Flu Vaccinations Friday 22 October - all year groups
If you have NOT registered your consent choice already, then it is too late for this session.
However, the influenza nasal spray is widely available from GPs and pharmacies if you wish your child to have the vaccination.
We will also provide details of any catch-up clinics as they become available.
Please contact the Immunisation Service directly on 01273 696011 ext 2080 if you have any queries. The school can be contacted on
#JustOneTreeDay – Friday 22 October 2021 – wear either green socks or a green hair band
On Friday 22 October, our school is taking part in #JustOneTreeDay, uniting with schools around the world to reforest the planet. Students can donate £1 and wear either green socks or a green hairband to show support for the cause. Every £1 plants a tree in vulnerable woodlands and forests around the world. Just shows that “No one is too small to make a difference!” #justonetreeday Normal school uniform must still be worn
East Sussex Youth Cabinet Election for 2021
Please see attached flyer at the bottom of the page.
Elections to the East Sussex Youth Cabinet will be held in November. Anyone wishing to stand as a candidate should see Ms Moorhouse in G05.
Work experience 2022 is 27 June to 2 July 2022
All Year 10 students who were present in school on Thursday 14 October during their PSHE lesson have been shown how to either choose a placement or upload their own onto the aspire work experience database.
If they were not in school all the details are in their PSHE classroom on google classroom.
The deadline for completion is NOVEMBER 1st, but PLEASE try to get it done before that - the sooner you do it the more likely you are to get your choice of placement.
Year 11 - applying to Sixth Form College
Please remember that Open Evenings are currently going on for all the Sixth form providers and that it is your responsibility to find out when they are (look on their websites) and apply for a place.
Deadlines for applications
The earliest is Heathfield Sixth Form which is 16 November.
BHASVIC and Varndean have a deadline of 3 December.
As far as we are aware there are no firm deadlines for the other institutions but they will start interviewing in January so you should aim to apply by Christmas.
In your PSHE lesson you will be shown how to complete a profile and apply using eprospectus - the online application portal.
Heathfield, BHASVIC and Varndean all need to be applied to directly through their websites.
All this information is in your PSHE classroom on googleclassroom OR the Careers site which is accessed through the school website.
Year 11 students and parent/carers - Research and development project, designed to support T-Levels CEIAG within schools
SCTP, East Sussex College Group, Plumpton College and East Sussex County Council are working in partnership to complete a research and development project, designed to support T-Levels CEIAG within schools. The project is being funded by the Education and Training Foundation and will complete in March 2021.
We are asking year 11 parents/carers and year 11 students to answer a short survey to help us better understand their knowledge and perceptions of the T-Level qualification route, and to help us design some new resources.
We would be very grateful for your time in sharing this survey with parents/carers, and students; the survey will take around 5 minutes to complete and the deadline for responses is the 24th October 2021.
T-Level Survey for Year 11 Students
T-Level Survey for Year 11 Parents/Carers
Bonfire Night Menu
On Friday 5 November 2021 we will be having a themed lunch day as per attached flyer below.
Firework Safety
Please note the following guidance published by East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service to be shared with all parents and students:
As we are fast approaching Bonfire Night, East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service would like to remind parents and students about firework safety. Fireworks are exciting to watch, but every year many people get hurt in firework accidents or may get involved with fireworks in a way that puts themselves or others at risk. Most accidents happen at family/private displays or in the street. Please also see attached safety flyer below.
Could we please ask for your help in reminding your son/daughter about the following safety messages on our behalf. Many young people will be aware of these dangers already and some are more aware than the adults around them. This year, we want to encourage students to share this information with their parents and carers, keeping everyone safe during the fireworks season.
We have also given you links to resources that specifically cover firework safety teaching materials.
For Key Stage 3 & 4 students the main safety messages are:
Never put fireworks in your pocket or throw them
When you are watching fireworks, always stand well back
Never go near a firework when it has been lit. Even if it hasn’t gone off, it could still explode
Never give sparklers to a child under five
Keep pets indoors
Safety Messages for Parents/Carers Setting Off Fireworks
Only buy fireworks marked with the British Standard mark, BS7114
Don’t drink alcohol if setting off fireworks
Keep fireworks in a closed metal box
Follow the instructions on each firework by torchlight, not a naked flame
Fireworks should be lit at arm’s length, using a taper
Always supervise children around fireworks
Keep pets indoors
What does the law say?
The Fireworks Regulations 2004 make it an offence to:
Sell fireworks to people under 18 years of age
Possessing fireworks in a public place, if you are under 18 years of age
Throw a firework in the street or public place
Don’t let off noisy fireworks after 11.00pm
Further information on staying safe can be obtained from the following websites and may be useful for teachers, parents and students:
On behalf of East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service, thank you for your support.
Lewes Rugby Club
Lewes Rugby club are excited to be hosting a free training session for GIRLS with Rachael Burford England/Quins player and founder of Girls Rugby Club - A global rugby club built by girls for girls.
The session will take place on
Sunday 17th October
10:30 -12:00
Lewes Rugby Club Stanley Turner Ground, Lewes.
This session is an excellent/no pressure opportunity to experience rugby, coached by a professional. The girls train every Sunday 10:30 -12:00 and are always happy to welcome new people. If you have any questions please contact Michelle, Lionesses coach on 07713 156595.
Ringmer Dramatic Society – Hay Fever
Please see attached flyer for their next event below.
Safeguarding Focus
Squid Game (Netflix) - There has been a lot of media reports this week about Netflix's Squid Game. This is currently the most watched show in 90 countries and nearly all episodes of the '15' rated show contain violent and gruesome scenes.
Parents – scare or prepare?
Scary stuff in the media often creates a sense of alarm which can become self-fulfilling. Although it seems counter-intuitive, it is usually best not to name the frightening content.
see attached poster below and this link from CEOP:
Kind regards
Sian Williams