King's Academy Ringmer weekly newsletter 18/11/22
This week's message from our principal, Mrs Williams.
Kindness week at the academy this week. A great KS3 assembly by Ms Hook and some lovely entries into the Dripper bucket in reception. Drip feeding kindness around the school as students nominate each other for kind acts. We have a similar initiative for the staff which we call ‘caught you being great!’ Our email nominations are not as much fun as a bucket!
The week was topped off by Children In Need events today - I missed the cake sale by seconds-I think they were gone in 60 seconds to be fair!
I was very proud of two of our Senior students on Sunday as they represented KAR on Remembrance Sunday and read prayers at the service in the village. Thank you to Amelia Linehan and Harrison Cooper for your contribution.
The cost of living and the budget
We are all painfully aware of the news at the moment with regard to the cost of living and the salaries for NHS workers, Teachers and the Postal Service to name but a few. As an academy we are in the same position as other schools in that we are instructed to give staff pay rises (which they very much deserve) but without funding from the government - leaving us with huge unbudgeted costs. We, as a profession, have written to our MPs to urge them to give more money to education. The budget this week has pledged to do so but we do not know what ‘in the next two years’ means in terms of how we manage.So we await further news from the Education Minister. In the meantime please check to see if you are eligible for free school meals if you haven't done so already. Applying for this will not only support your own income but means that we, as a school,get additional funding which we can put back into the teaching and learning of our students.
Here is the link for your convenience.
Eco News
Mrs Teague and the Eco Reps have begun working on our new termly Eco Newsletter, that will be shown during tutor time and emailed to parents and carers as well. We will be sharing useful recycling information, facts and details about famous people and how they are helping the environment, plus much more. We can't wait to share with you what we've found out.
Design & Technology
Year 8 have been hard at work in their manufacturing teams creating their batch of Lanterns.
They’re all showing excellent grit and determination to get them completed in time for their Christmas Table centrepiece. Great work year 8!
Mrs White
Free School Meals Activity sessions - ESCC
Dear parents,
School holidays are approaching! The Government’s Holiday activities and food programme funds a range of exciting activities for young people. The activity sessions are free to children who receive benefits-related free school meals.
There is a great range of clubs spread across multiple venues in East Sussex. They all offer a free healthy meal. Activities include sport, art, theatre, forest school, animation, music, computer coding and crafts. All sessions include a healthy meal and are free to those on benefit-related free school meals.
You can find out what’s available and book a place on the HAF booking website.
Key Dates - 2022/23
A few parents have been enquiring about key dates for this academic year. Please see below some key dates for the remaining year. Any other events will be uploaded to our school calendar on our website.
Student Progress Evenings:
Year 11 – Thursday 1 December 2022
Year 10 – Thursday 15 December 2022
Year 8 – Thursday 12 January 2023
Year 9 – Thursday 9 February 2022
Year 9 Options Evening:
Tuesday 21 February 2023.
Closing date is Friday 3 March 2023
Friday 2 December 2022
Friday 10 February 2023 (whole MAT INSET)
Friday 17 March 2023
Activities Week and Year 10 Work Experience:
Monday 3 July 2023 to Friday 7 July 2023
KS2 World Cup Event
On Thursday, Mr Wood and four BTEC Year 11 PE students: Shane Bonner, Lexi Grant, Jack Craig and Jack Harman, hosted a mini World Cup Football Tournament for some KS2 students on a lovely, sunny afternoon. We hosted Ringmer, Framfield, Blackboys and Alfriston Primary schools who all played their part in making it such a fun event, inviting parents to come along and cheer their teams on. The Schools represented actual countries participating in the World Cup: Japan (Ringmer), Ecuador (Alfriston), Denmark (Blackboys) and Senegal (Framfield). It was a fiercely contested final between Japan and Denmark, with Denmark getting the win after a dramatic penalty shoot-out. Well done to you all and bring on the World Cup!
Book Club
We are about to start a new book from now until Christmas. Students need to come and sign up on a Wednesday lunchtime. I look forward to seeing you there!
Mrs Colbourne
Churchill Cleaning Vacancy
Please see the job description attached at the bottom of the newsletter for the vacancy opening for Churchill Cleaning.
Ringmer Dramatic Society
There are still limited tickets available for the RDS performance of Alice in Wonderland - a great opportunity to see some brilliant local theatre! See the poster below for more details. Tickets for the Saturday Matinee performance are now sold out.
Safeguarding Awareness for Parents & Carers (Football Association) -
Every week millions of children play football, many of them in organised clubs and organisations. As part of its safeguarding response, the Football Association has created a safeguarding course for parents.
The course is designed to help parents make informed choices about the football settings where they enrol their children. The course helps parents recognise best practice and see where there may be concerns, so that they can report them quickly and effectively.
This free course can be found here: