Here is the Principal's Weekly Newsletter video, please see below if you simply wish to read the information or access the links.
May I please remind you that your son/daughter needs to have a clean fresh face covering every day. A number of students are arriving in school without a covering. In the last 2.5 days, our Reception Team have handed out 45 disposal face coverings which goes very much against our eco policy. The school will always provide a disposal face covering to a student who does not have one as wearing a face covering is now mandatory but will also give a student a lunchtime sanction if they have been forgotten on 2 separate occasions.
Please also help remind your son/daughter that face coverings should not be pulled under the chin. If they are not required, they must be placed in a pocket or bag.
All students have now been allocated a House. The house colours have been chosen and are based on the colours in our school logo. Seacole is Gold, Franklin is Silver, Hawking is Red and Turing is Blue. We are currently running a House logo competition. If your son/daughter is entering a logo design, there are three simple steps to follow: 1) keep the logo simple 2) Use block colour not shading and 3) try to work within shapes such as a square, circle, oval etc.
Dining Room – ParentPay
Please can you ensure that you are regularly checking your Parentpay accounts so that students have sufficient funds in order to purchase food at break and lunchtimes. Your assistance with this is greatly appreciated.
Children in Need 2020
Friday 13 November 2020 was Children in Need and the students enjoyed a “come as yourself” non-uniform day. We have received donations of £588.00 to date. Thank you to all parents/carers that have paid the non-uniform money so far. Please can we ask if all donations are made via ParentPay by Friday 27th November 2020 so we can send the funds off to Children in Need. Thanks to all involved.
Vodafone – Free data for UK students
Please see following link detailing an offer being made by Vodafone to support home connectivity by providing free SIMs. If this will support your family, please do sign up.
Prom 2020 and locker deposit refunds for ex Year 11 students
We have processed all the Prom 2020 refunds via ParentPay, parents can then withdraw the funds directly to their account. Locker key deposits for all ex Year 11 students who have returned their key to us have been made by cheque, should your child still have a key please send it to the finance office and we will arrange for a refund of the £10.00 deposit to you. If your child has lost their key please email and we will refund the deposit less the cost of a replacement key.
Links of interest for adults – Managing the many current uncertainties
· Managing Uncertainty
· The 4Rs to manage stress
Safeguarding Focus
Google app to help parents manage their child’s social media time
Please look at google app link below. It is for helping parents to manage their child’s social media time. Parents can limit online time, set a timer for online use and switch it off for bedtime. It can also be used to locate your child’s phone.
We are increasingly seeing students tired, saying they don't sleep much, but they take their phones to bed at night. The blue light emitted by your mobile phone screen restrains the production of melatonin, the hormone that controls your sleep-wake cycle (aka circadian rhythm). This makes it even more difficult to fall asleep and wake up the next day. ... Studies also show that exposure to blue light can cause damage to your retinas.
Online Sexual Harm
The Marie Collins Foundation and the NWG Network have published guides for parents about online harm. “How can I help my child” is aimed at parents and carers. Please see leaflet below.