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Kind. Ambitious. Resilient.

Principal's Welcome

I am delighted to welcome you to King’s Academy Ringmer, and privileged to be the Principal as we embark on the next stage of the school’s development. We have a very simple ambition, to become the best school in Sussex. We are committed to ensuring that all our students will receive a better education at Ringmer than they would at any school within the region. Our vision for our students is clear:  

To develop well rounded, confident individuals who are world ready

We consider this to be our ‘Journey to Excellence’.

The outcomes for our children are already well above national average figures, adding around a third of a grade more at GCSE than other schools. We are a school of choice in the local area and oversubscribed. Our students thrive and our parents recommend us unreservedly.

My educational philosophy is simple - we must do everything possible to develop the whole child. We believe that student learning and progress is our core purpose. Alongside this, we are equally determined that Ringmer students will have the skills and attributes to live and work in the global society of tomorrow, and will be confident in their morals and values in order to lead happy, fulfilled lives. Our key values of Kindness, Ambition and Resilience are at the heart of the school and chosen by our school community. We want every student to play a strong part in school life through the variety of school teams, the wide range of extra-curricular clubs, the house competitions, student leadership opportunities and school trips. A well-established programme of music, sporting and enrichment activities offers the chance for our young people to pursue their interests and develop new ones.

Please rest assured that every decision I make as Principal of this school will be to ensure that your children become the best possible versions of themselves. We are clear that sky high standards in everything we do will enable our students to make a positive contribution to society. Our students have a proud reputation for sporting, arts and musical success and we take great pride in their achievements in these and other areas.

We encourage positive attitudes and aim to provide an environment in which all learners feel valued, challenged and secure, and where they can develop the skills and confidence to become young adults. The school is part of King’s Group of Academies (KGA) who have over forty years of experience in enhancing the education of young people both in the UK and abroad. I look forward to meeting you.

Kind regards,

Chris Harvey

Latest Updates

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  • Lost and Found! In reception, we have: 2 pairs of trousers, 2 school jumpers with logos 3 PE tops 1 pair of PE joggers various hats and scarves 13 assorted coats. (None with names) Please name your children's clothing. Thank you for your assistance with this.

    3 weeks ago
  • A reminder that anti-bullying is NOT only for #AntiBullyingWeek! To help make anti-bullying a yearlong pursuit, we have a few areas of our work which might be of interest to you. Check out this thread to find out more! [1/6]

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  • Today KAR held an non-uniform day and bake sale to raise money for Children In Need The bake sale was a brilliant sell-out success, as our community always supports this worthy cause. Thanks all! #proudtoberingmer #kingsacademyringmer #journeytoexcellence #KAR #childreninneed2024

    1 month ago
  • Mrs Budd's Year 9s have been busy learning how to cook stir fry in their food tech lessons this week. Bon Appetit! #proudtoberingmer #kingsacademyringmer #journeytoexcellence #KAR #kingsgroupacademies #KGA #thekgaway

    1 month ago
  • Get your odd socks ready! #OddSocksDay is on Tuesday 12th November during #AntiBullyingWeek. We’re wearing odd socks to help end childhood bullying that affects millions. Will you join us? @ABAonline @andyoddsock

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  • Today is National STEM Day. Year 9 Have been making Rube Goldberg machines as a way of exploring energy stores and transfers. These are complex machines that create a chain reaction to carry out a simple task. #NationalSTEMDay #proudtoberingmer #kar #kingsacademyringmer

    1 month ago
  • Green Careers Week promotes real opportunities for young people to have a career that will genuinely make a difference. Discover careers, jobs, roles, and career pathways that are green careers and develop green skills. Find out more

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  • Green Careers Week promotes real opportunities for young people to have a career that will genuinely make a difference. Discover careers, jobs, roles, and career pathways that are green careers and develop green skills. Find out more

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  • Remember remember the 5th of November We request that parents and carers please review the notice regarding Lewes Bonfire on our school website - Have a happy and safe Bonfire Night!

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  • Our Change Ambassadors had an exciting week, with a visit from @ITV, to film us in action participating in the #HiddenNatureWeek challenge with Education Nature Park, a @educationgovuk initiative to get children outside engaging with nature. #proudtoberingmer #kingsacademyringmer

    2 months ago
  • Today we welcomed Sir Roger Fry, the founder of @KGAcademies. He was joined by our Senior Students, Mr Harvey, and members of SLT for lunch where the students were invited to ask questions about his life & contributions to education in the UK & abroad. #proudtoberingmer #KAR

    2 months ago

Opportunity and success on a global stage

KGA has at its core the pursuit of the very highest standards both inside the classroom and beyond it. Through our ethos, our extended curriculum, our entrepreneurial approach and international dimension we ensure that our pupils develop into confident, well rounded individuals, equipped for life in an ever-evolving world.


King's Group Academies is a charitable and limited company registered in England and Wales, company number 09017776, registered at King’s Academy College Park, Crofton Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO2 0NT Tel: 02392 629949.